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Monday, 27 December 2004

Contact person 1

Apurva Chamari is going to Chennai and coordinating efforts as well.
Dear All,

I write to you all on Monday morning - in light of the tsunami calamity that struck the southern coast of India yesterday.

As you might know, the latest estimates put the toll at over 3,000 people with over 45,000 people still missing. This calamity had caught thousands of people unawares, with nowhere to run.

In this context, I request your kind help to put up a team of volunteers who are willing to be a part of the rescue and relief efforts in Chennai.

Needless to say, the work involved would be dirty, strenuous and could also be hazardous. However, given that every minute of work could help save valuable lives, every kind of help would be worth it.

While I write to you, we are already trying to mobilize Medical Aid on behalf of Ranbaxy.

Whoever is willing to be a part of this effort, please let me know so we could join hands (I am volunteering myself). Please also let me know in case you would like to help in any other way besides/apart from being a part of a relief team.

This initiative would be a completely on a personal level and therefore, volunteers might have to seek leave in order to be part of the rescue efforts.

Best Regards,



Apurva can be contacted at:

Apurva Chamari
Manager- Marketing,
Ranbaxy Australasia Pty. Ltd,
13th Floor, Devika Towers , Nehru Place , New Delhi-19.
Tel:+ 91 11 26286624 (D) ,9811332259 (M) Fax: 26222780
1 Comments Post a Comment
Blogger Tanya said :

Hey Apurva,

I would like to be involved in this effort. I am trying to organize some funds from my office. I'm also trying to arrange other required materials. I would like to add myself as a contributor in this effort..

Thanx, AG

Wed Dec 29, 08:08:00 am IST