How to help in Indonesia
From TsunamiHelp reader Beyond Wallacia:
The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) has already sent 210 volunteers to Aceh to help in the evacuation process and to provide medical assistance in affected areas. The organization also will send food, body bags, tarpaulins and medicine to Aceh.
PMI has established a Help Aceh People bank account for donations at Bank BCA Menara Bidakara, SWIFT: CENAIDJA, account name: Kantor Pusat Palang Merah Indonesia, account number: 450.666.000.9.
After donating to this account, please inform PMI -- by telephone +62 (0)21 799-2325 or email -- so they can monitor the transfer.
The Jakarta Post has announced the following private-media-sector Aceh Disaster Relief Funds and their banking accounts:
Dompet Dhuafa Republika
128 000 4397 839 Bank Mandiri Ciputat branch
676 030194 7 BCA Ciputat Mega Mall
004 002 990 7 Bank Syariah Mandiri
Dompet Kemanusiaan Media Indonesia
309 300 7979 BCA Kedoya Baru
Kotak Pundi Amal SCTV
084 266 2000 BCA Wisma Asia
Kompas Media Nusantara
012 301 6600 BCA Gajah Mada
Hard Rock Radio
219 301 1144 BCA Radio Dalam
The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) has already sent 210 volunteers to Aceh to help in the evacuation process and to provide medical assistance in affected areas. The organization also will send food, body bags, tarpaulins and medicine to Aceh.
PMI has established a Help Aceh People bank account for donations at Bank BCA Menara Bidakara, SWIFT: CENAIDJA, account name: Kantor Pusat Palang Merah Indonesia, account number: 450.666.000.9.
After donating to this account, please inform PMI -- by telephone +62 (0)21 799-2325 or email -- so they can monitor the transfer.
The Jakarta Post has announced the following private-media-sector Aceh Disaster Relief Funds and their banking accounts:
Dompet Dhuafa Republika
128 000 4397 839 Bank Mandiri Ciputat branch
676 030194 7 BCA Ciputat Mega Mall
004 002 990 7 Bank Syariah Mandiri
Dompet Kemanusiaan Media Indonesia
309 300 7979 BCA Kedoya Baru
Kotak Pundi Amal SCTV
084 266 2000 BCA Wisma Asia
Kompas Media Nusantara
012 301 6600 BCA Gajah Mada
Hard Rock Radio
219 301 1144 BCA Radio Dalam
The website should be typed manually (don't click directly from the link).
Peace on Earth!
We all are created to love and be loved by one and other for LOVE IS THE ONLY WAY TO GOD.....! This is God's way of bringing his world family together and ignite the divinity in all that has been forgotten for a long time. LET US ALL PRAY TO STAY TOGETHER in this beautiful garden that God has created for all of us.
Well, where was your
God when the Earthquake struck huh?
our names are james mathew and jonathan from england,we realy want to help in a physical way the people affected by the tsunami.we can come now or when ever we are needed.we have skills in demolition and construction,2 of us are machine opperaters,and we specialise in tree removal,so if any one needs us please contact us.we will help with any tasks.please give us the opportunity to make a differance.
contact me at or