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Thursday, 30 December 2004

Malaysia Sets Up Asian Disaster Fund For Tsunami Victims

Malaysia has set up a special fund named "Asian Tsunami Disaster Fund - Foreign Ministry" to enable the government and Malaysians to contribute humanitarian aid to victims of the tsunami disaster that struck many countries around the Indian Ocean.

Contributions in cash could be made by cheque to "Tabung Bencana Tsunami Asia - Kementerian Luar Negeri" and sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wisma Putra, Precinct 2, 62602 Putrajaya.

The ministry could be contacted at telephones 03-8887 4000; 03-8887 4386; 03-8887 4332; 03-8887 4321 or fax 03-8889 1717 and 03-8889 2834.

The operation centre in Colombo is located in the Malaysian High Commission; telephone no. 00-94-11-2554 681/682/683; fax 00-94-11-2554 684 and e-mel: mwcolmbo@eureka.lk or malcon@eureka.lk (Consular).

The officers who can be contacted are High Commissioner Nazirah Hussain; Second Secretary/Head of Chancery Mohamed Farid Mohamed Arif and Third Secretary (Administration and Consular) Aminudin Othman.

In Thailand, the centre is in the temporary office of the Malaysian Consulate-General in Phuket; telephone no. 00-66-76-220-1923; fax 00-66-76-220-196 and e-mel: mwsgkhla@hatyai.inet.co.th.

The officers who can be contacted are High Commissioner Nazirah Hussain; Second Secretary/Head of Chancery Mohamed Farid Mohamed Arif and

Third Secretary (Administration and Consular) Ahmad Sabri Mohamed Tahir.

In India, the centre is in the Malaysian Assistant High Commissioner's office in Chennai; telephone no. 00-91-44-2498 2306; 00-91-44-2498 2558; fax 00-91-44-2498 2405 and e-mel: mwmadras@md2.vsnl.net.in.

The officers who can be contacted are Deputy High Commissioner Rosli Ismail and Third Secretary Mohamed Yusof Ahmad.

In Indonesia, the officers who can be contacted are Malaysian Consul General in Medan Mohamed Yusof Abu Bakar and Consul (Administration and Consular) Wan Nor Haimi Wan Mahmud; telephone no. 00-62-61-451342/4535 271/4523 3992; fax 00-62-61-4534 4681 and e-mel: mwmedan@indosat.net.id.

Source: Bernama
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