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Sunday, 16 January 2005

The IRC needs your help and donations

The International Rescue Committee (IRC) works in 25 countries, and because of the conflict in Indonesia, already had 25 staff members in Aceh, Indonesia, when the tsunami hit. This humanitarian agency has already budgeted $7 million for the next 3 months alone, for tsunami relief.

In Indonesia, five IRC mobile relief teams, with specialists in health, water supply, sanitation and child protection have fanned out across Aceh Province by boat, road and helicopter to deliver emergency services and supplies to some of the hardest hit villages.

The IRC teams are providing urgent medical treatment, stocking remote clinics with medicines, suture kits and bandages, constructing emergency sanitation facilities, bringing in water, cleaning and disinfecting wells, and distributing food, water purification tablets, shelter materials and hygiene supplies. The teams are also arranging for the most critically ill and injured to be evacuated by air to nearby hospitals for further medical treatment.

This work is only just beginning. The IRC has already dispatched 45 international skilled emergency response workers (doctors, nurses, dentists, logisticians, engineers, etc.) to Aceh, and are in the process of hiring 100 nationals.

You can donate to IRC's efforts at their website
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