Sri Lanka: U.S. researchers design tsunami-resistant house
(Source: Reuters via AlertNet)
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Plans for a tsunami early warning system for 27 Indian Ocean countries were agreed during a meeting in Mauritius in early May. Several western and Asian countries, including the United States, Germany, Finland, Belgium, Norway, Australia, China and India, have agreed to provide funding for the US $5.5 system, which is expected to be operational within six months. The warning system will transmit information on tsunamis from two stations in Tokyo, Japan and Hawaii, USA. The Indian Ocean countries will also be provided with tsunami expertise, according to Laura Kong, director of the Pacific Tsunami Early Warning System.See also this page on Planet Ark, which reports on Indonesia's plans for an early warning system.
There was anger and astonishment in India's Andaman and Nicobar islands this week after the Indian government started handing out compensation cheques to survivors of December's tsunami - for as little as two rupees (2p) each.
Residents of the islands, the area of India worst hit by the Boxing Day tsunami, have felt abandoned by the authorities since the disaster. While the relief effort elsewhere in India and in other affected countries was widely praised, in the Andamans it was so poor that at one point starving survivors had to kidnap a senior bureaucrat in order to force the authorities to distribute food.