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Monday, 25 July 2005

Malaysia: Penang on tsunami alert

Police in Penang have been put on tsunami alert following an earthquake of 7.2 magnitude that shook India's Andaman and Nicobar islands. A spokesman for the George Town police station said they obtained the information from the Selangor Meteorological Department at 11.42pm (Sunday July 24th) last night and were told to be on the alert.

“We will monitor the situation and act accordingly.”

The US Geological Survey (USGS) urged authorities near the epicentre of the tremor to be aware of the risk of local tsunamis.

If anyone feels the need to contact George Town Police Station, they can be reached on 04-2292222

(Source: Malaysia Star)
1 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Just curious anyone out there heard about this?Its seems that a lot of the pledged funds for the tsunami relief effort has not arrived at their designated places and most of these funds seem to have disappeared while being given to certain parties in Malaysia.People these days will just snatch at any opportunity to get rich faster, and the worse part is that these parties should already be maintained by already rich people.At the present moment even the Malaysian govenrment isn't doing anything about these, I feel really ashamed being a Malaysian and even more since the Malaysian government is always critising other countries for what thery are doing wrong but yet it failed in doing anything about this matter.

Sat Jul 30, 05:47:00 pm IST