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Friday, 31 December 2004

Burma Updates - Need Blog Readers Inputs

Limited Reports From Burma

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Burma's Coco Isalnds destroyed by the tsunami
(Democratic Voice Of Burma)

Some army radar installations on Coco Islands, off the southwest coast of Burma, had been destroyed by the tsunamis which struck on 26 December, according to a Burmese Navy officer who doesn’t want to be identified. The exact figure of deaths and damages is still not known.

A meteorological officer from Rangoon insisted that there have been no great losses, but he was neither unable to say what kinds of damage were inflicted on the islands. He added that Burma would not be affected badly as the country lies adjacent to the paths of the tsunamis and that the shores are shallow.

But people close to the naval community told DVB that radar installations at not only Coco Islands, but also at Myeik (Mergui) Archipelago and Heingyi Island could be destroyed by the tsunamis.

The people of Burma are suspicious of the fact that the country’s military junta, State Peace and Development Council (SPDC), during a recent news conference, didn’t mention anything about the situations on the islands where radars stations are installed.

Burma junta still refuses to acknowledge quake in Burma
(Democratic Voice Of Burma)

The media and newspapers of Burma’s military junta, State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) are still refusing to acknowledge that recent earthquake ever affected the people of Burma.

The junta owns newspaper, the New Light of Myanmar only featured on its front page, messages of sympathy from the SPDC chairman General Than Shwe, vice-chairman General Maung Aye and “Prime Minister” Lieutenant-General Soe Win to leaders of the country affected by the earthquake.

The generals expressed their sorrow and sympathy for the deaths of people in Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand and India due to the earthquake, but the chairman is still silent on how to help Burmese victims.

At the same time, the president of Burma’s neighbour, China, Wu Jintao on 28 December sent a message of sympathy for the loss of lives in Burma due to the quake making the Burmese generals blush with shame.

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