Charity Efficiency and Transparency Ratings
Benjamin Rosenbaum has posted ratings of various charities on his blog. It's not a big list but you can get more ratings if you request. You should probably do this before deciding where to put your money, folks:
My contribution to the blogosphere's response to the tsunami...
Here's Google's tsunami relief page, here's the Tsunami Blog, and here is a table with ratings by watchdog organizations on the efficiency of the relief organizations most prominently mentioned, plus news:
(Since Charity Navigator's site seems to be having trouble with heavy load, I am adding links to the Google cache of their ratings, following the stars.)
My contribution to the blogosphere's response to the tsunami...
Here's Google's tsunami relief page, here's the Tsunami Blog, and here is a table with ratings by watchdog organizations on the efficiency of the relief organizations most prominently mentioned, plus news:
(Since Charity Navigator's site seems to be having trouble with heavy load, I am adding links to the Google cache of their ratings, following the stars.)
We have a page of Tsunami Relief Links on -
Here is list of charities rated 4 stars by Charity Navigator and also recommended by the American Institute of Philanthropy