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Saturday, 29 January 2005

SMILE Foundation to support physically handicapped

SMILE Foundation, Delhi, a registered Trust, is a development support agency without any religious, political affiliations. It works to promote child education and their general well being for their holistic development- focusing on children from impoverished and neglected strata of our populace.

As an immediate intervention support to Tsunami victims, Smile proposes to focus on physically handicapped people having lost their aids and appliances. It intends to provide the same to the suffering people.

Smile therefore appeals to the NGOs, including those working in areas of disabilities, to get in touch with us with details of such identified people, their location (residence),kind and number of ids and appliances required and estimated cost, at the earliest.

Kindly contact the Chief Program Officer at:proposal@smilefoundationindia.org

2 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Senior Citizens To be Looked After:

Thw killer waves have broken the families in the affected area of TamilNadu. Somebody has lost thir son,husband,father,mother,brother,sister etc.

Children who have become Orphans are taken care by number of NGOs. But when I visited the affected areas like KirMurkiraee,Pudukuppam,Vanagiri etc. in Nagapattinam District I found that there are Senir Citizens who have lost their sons/daughters who used yo feed them earlier. Gram Swaraj Sangh from Gujarat,SOS,Sneha,CIKS ant other NGOs whom I worked with are taking care of child activities,rehabiliation of houseless people,boat building etc.
I think the senior citizens,widows,single men who have survived with their children or without children should be lokked after also..

Manoj Mehta, Pune, email: mpmehta_2000@yahoo.com

Wed Feb 02, 10:57:00 am IST  
Blogger Unknown said :

Vellai Thamarai supports educational and social development of underprivileged children in Tamil Nadu, India, living in villages near Puducherry (http://www.vellai-thamarai.com/).

A free school focuses on the educational objective while the social development aim takes care of guiding the social fabric towards a sustainable future. Starting from 80 students in 2008, Vellai Thamarai now has over 200 students in its school.Vellai Thamarai strives to provide the village communities the means to overcome historical poverty constraints.
· At the heart of the project is free access to a high quality education: a school, from kindergarten to end of secondary education or vocational training. “learn while you play, and play while you learn”; the key is the children’s happiness to learn.

Social objectives cater to the maintenance of a crèche, adult literacy, academic support, a clinic, vocational training for school “drop-outs’’ (training them in construction skills).
A Cultural Centre situated in Puducherry offers workshops, training courses and classes in Yoga, Ayurveda, and Bharata Natyam (Indian classical dance), which are open to all. Proceeds help finance school operations.
The organisation raises awareness among the villagers about sustainable development, renewable energies, water treatment and hygiene.

Vellai Thamarai also took great efforts to provide relief for the villages during cyclone Thane.

Thu Apr 16, 12:12:00 pm IST