Sri Lanka: Psychosocial Support
From the Blog of the Psychosocial Support Program, Sri Lanka
Psychosocial Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster: What You Can Do Right Now to Support Wellbeing
People in areas affected by tsunamis may be experiencing many different emotional and physical responses at this time. Some of these responses include confusion, fear, hopelessness, sleeplessness, crying, difficulty in eating, headaches, body aches, anxiety, and anger. They may be feeling helpless; some may be in a state of shock; others may be aggressive, mistrustful, feeling betrayed, despairing, feeling relieved or guilty that they are alive, sad that many others have died, and ashamed of how they might have reacted or behaved during the critical incidents. There may be some experiencing a sense of outrage, shaken religious faith, loss of confidence in themselves or others, or sense of having betrayed or been betrayed by others they trusted.
Psychosocial Aspects of the Tsunami Disaster: What You Can Do Right Now to Support Wellbeing
People in areas affected by tsunamis may be experiencing many different emotional and physical responses at this time. Some of these responses include confusion, fear, hopelessness, sleeplessness, crying, difficulty in eating, headaches, body aches, anxiety, and anger. They may be feeling helpless; some may be in a state of shock; others may be aggressive, mistrustful, feeling betrayed, despairing, feeling relieved or guilty that they are alive, sad that many others have died, and ashamed of how they might have reacted or behaved during the critical incidents. There may be some experiencing a sense of outrage, shaken religious faith, loss of confidence in themselves or others, or sense of having betrayed or been betrayed by others they trusted.
just an idea...
one blog said stop sending clothes
one said send more volunteers to council and just listen
what if the therapists got the un-needed clothes and some needles and thread together with some survivors and maybe some would be inspired to work their grief into fiber art like quilts or flags or embroidery?
is this too far out?
Then what if the work was to tour the world on a constant basis like the AIDS quilt project, and the admissions and donations from the viewers would continuosly bring in much needed funding for rebuilding?
Is there someone who can see this as a functional idea?