Appeal from Voluntary Health Association, Kanayakumari
-- Below is an Appeal from VHA, Kanyakumari
Source : Charity Focus
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you
This is from Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari, VHAK, an NGO working among children, adolescents, women, youth and grownups in Kanyakumari district since 1994. Since then, it has formed and strengthened more than 7,000 neighbourhood parliaments among these groups.
The tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 has devastated many coastal villages in Kanyakumari district. The villages Collachel, Kottilpadu, Manakudy, Alikal, Pillaithope, Muttom and Kanyakumari are the most affected villages in this district. The entire village of Kottilpadu, Pillaithope and Alikal have been washed out. The people themselves are involved in removing the dead bodies and helping the people find out their loved ones both alive and dead. In Muttom Parish almost 365 houses were washed out, 42 bodies recovered, 20 more missing and a loss of 12 crores. In Colachel, Kottilpadu village the death toll is still rising. There is very less involvement from the Government be it in removing the debris or recovering the bodies from the rubble.
The children’s parliaments that functioned in the coastal villages have either lost their precious members or the members have lost their parents and become orphans. Almost 70 % of the dead were children.
The district administration is not well-equipped and trained to cope with this sort of calamities. As a result, they are in a state of stalemate whereupon they do not know what to do. It is the NGOs who are working hard to do some relief activities among the affected people. VHAK is one among them.
At present, on a short term basis, the staff and the volunteers of VHAK, numbering more than 500 would like to involve in undertaking emergency relief measures like medical help, supply food and clothing and temporary shelters.
We would like to obtain your cooperation in this respect in the form of financial assistance. Please let us know your response at the earliest time possible.
Please visit our website to confirm.
The amount could be sent to:
Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari (VHAK),
28, Kesari Street,
Nagercoil - 629 001
Kanyakumari dist., Tamilnadu
Bank details:
Account No: 397
Indian Overseas Bank
Vetturnimadam – 1043
Nagercoil – 629 003
Kanyakumari dist.,
May we hear from you.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Sr.Mercy Palatty,
Source : Charity Focus
Dear Friend,
Greetings to you
This is from Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari, VHAK, an NGO working among children, adolescents, women, youth and grownups in Kanyakumari district since 1994. Since then, it has formed and strengthened more than 7,000 neighbourhood parliaments among these groups.
The tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 has devastated many coastal villages in Kanyakumari district. The villages Collachel, Kottilpadu, Manakudy, Alikal, Pillaithope, Muttom and Kanyakumari are the most affected villages in this district. The entire village of Kottilpadu, Pillaithope and Alikal have been washed out. The people themselves are involved in removing the dead bodies and helping the people find out their loved ones both alive and dead. In Muttom Parish almost 365 houses were washed out, 42 bodies recovered, 20 more missing and a loss of 12 crores. In Colachel, Kottilpadu village the death toll is still rising. There is very less involvement from the Government be it in removing the debris or recovering the bodies from the rubble.
The children’s parliaments that functioned in the coastal villages have either lost their precious members or the members have lost their parents and become orphans. Almost 70 % of the dead were children.
The district administration is not well-equipped and trained to cope with this sort of calamities. As a result, they are in a state of stalemate whereupon they do not know what to do. It is the NGOs who are working hard to do some relief activities among the affected people. VHAK is one among them.
At present, on a short term basis, the staff and the volunteers of VHAK, numbering more than 500 would like to involve in undertaking emergency relief measures like medical help, supply food and clothing and temporary shelters.
We would like to obtain your cooperation in this respect in the form of financial assistance. Please let us know your response at the earliest time possible.
Please visit our website to confirm.
The amount could be sent to:
Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari (VHAK),
28, Kesari Street,
Nagercoil - 629 001
Kanyakumari dist., Tamilnadu
Bank details:
Account No: 397
Indian Overseas Bank
Vetturnimadam – 1043
Nagercoil – 629 003
Kanyakumari dist.,
May we hear from you.
Thanking you,
Sincerely yours,
Dr. Sr.Mercy Palatty,
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