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Friday, 31 December 2004

Relief Coordination Meeting in Tamilnadu - NGOs Meet

Source : Charity Focus

A major coordination meeting among several NGOs that have come together to coordinate relief efforts in Tamil Nadu (TN) will take place this SUNDAY, January 2, at 9:30am in Chennai. The details are summarized below by Raju and Geetha Rajagopal, members of Indians for Collective Action (ICA):

1. Several groups have come together here in Chennai, including ICA and AID [Association for India's Development], the corporates, Banyan, some people from IIT, other citizens of Chennai, etc, with Bhoomika Trust and AID coordinating. We intend today to touch base with ActionAid and we are already connected with efforts in Bangalore, Trichy, etc. We are DIRECTLY working with the leaders of the fishing community in the South. We are also in touch with what is going on in Andaman/Nicobar islands (somewhat).

2. The latest needs in TN are attached from the notes of yesterday’s meeting here(see below).

3. Please direct $ donations to ICA (which will come to Bhoomika Trust) or to AID (which will directly come to AIDers in Tamilnadu who have been doing a fantastic job in South TN and have themselves lost volunteers to the sea.)

4. $ donations should be earmarked for Earthquake-Tsunami Relief/Rehabilitation, giving us the flexibility to use for the medium term rehab efforts

5. A major meeting is being coordinated for Sunday 2nd. Jan at Chennai to discuss Rehab from the point of view of both Livelihood and Counseling Needs. It will be conducted by Dr. Lakshmi Ravikanth of Bhoomika, Dr. Prashantham of Christian Counseling Center of Vellore, Sushma Iyengar and Binoy Chatterje from Gujarat, who will have toured the South and may join us, reps from the fishing community, perhaps people from NIMHANS, NGOs from the south will join us.

If you know of anyone interested in this important effort, please direct them to the following address:
REAL IMAGE, 7B, 3rd Street,
Balaji Nagar, Chennai
Time: 9:30 am Date: Jan 2, 2005.

More Information : here
1 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :


can some AID personnel name all the NGOs they are funding? Also, how many volunteers are present at the grass-roots level.

your reply is utterly important for me to decide whether to donate to you or to Red Cross.


Fri Dec 31, 10:59:00 pm IST