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Thursday, 30 December 2004

How Americans and Canadians can send aid to Indonesia?

For those in US, who want to help the victims in Indonesia, the Indonesian Embassy has just put out a press release.


For the time being, the victims urgently need, among others, the following items:
- Food, including instant food and baby food
- Body bag
- Drinking water
- Generator set
- Medicines
- Blankets
- Tents
- Cotton
- Mosquito nets
- Water buckers

- Clothes
- Mattresses

Donations and contributions could be directly delivered to the National Coordinating Agency for Natural Disaster and Refugees Relief (Bakornas PBP). It is advised to have the list of items legalized by the Consular Division of the Embassy of Indonesia (tel. 202-7755314).

The address of the Bakornas PBP is as follow:
Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 36
Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel. (62-21) 3458400
Fax. (62-21) 3505075/3458500
Contact Person: Mr. Sugeng (cellphone: +628164850361)

Financial contribution could be made in cash, cheque, or through the Embassy’s bank account as follows:

Bank of America
730 15th Street, NW, 7th Fl.
Washington DC 20005
Account Name : Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Account No. : 0020-874-82-642
Routing No. : 054001204
Purpose : “For Aceh and North Sumatera”.

Further information could be obtained from the Information Division of the Embassy of Indonesia, at 202- 7755337, 7755295, 7755306, 7755333, and 7755336.
Washington DC, December 27, 2004

For those of you in Canada, the Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa has the details on how to send relief:


The Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa shall continuously update its website with the latest information regarding the victims and relief efforts underway in NAD and North Sumatra.

The Indonesian Embassy in Ottawa, in collaboration with the Indonesian Students Association in Canada, shall be holding an “Aceh and North Sumatra Earthquake Victims Emergency Relief Drive” all day and evening of Friday, 31 December 2004 for all who wish to submit donations to the victims of the tragedy. The Indonesian Embassy shall duly forward all donations to the victims in need in Aceh and North Sumatra, through the abovementioned working group.
1 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Started this blog to provide info. on solar technology to purify water, ready tent units, and other low cost technologies and supplies. How to on desalination, use of solar kits, lights, etc.

http://pinpointaid.blogspot.com/2005/01/we-can-help-tsunami-victims- by-finding.html


Sun Jan 09, 03:41:00 am IST