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Wednesday, 29 December 2004

Request for Aid Help from Sri Lanka

Tamil Rehabilation Organization (TRO) in Sri Lanka has appealed for aid help urgently for providing food, medical help, transport, temporary shelters and other urgent humanitarian assistance for the hundreds of thousands of the displaced people in Sri Lanka. The following are their immediate needs:
  1. Food (includes milk powder, precooked food) for 80 000 familes, 3 times/day, meals for two weeks.
  2. Non food items (includes kitchen utensils, 100 000 mats)
  3. Clothing (special concern for women and children)
  4. Drugs (paracetamol, antibiotics, dressings, suture material, disposable syringes)
  5. water purification tablets (500 000) and water containers (5 lit. capacity)
  6. Temporary shelters (25,000 tents for a family of 4 and 50 medical tents)
  7. portable generators (50)
They have a PayPal link right there on their website where you can donate to this cause.

Their Phone Numbers:

00 94 112 693254 (Colombo)
00 94 21 228 3947 (killinochi)

Source: TamilNet


Lanka Academic Network also accepts online donation here.

They have an excellent webpage where all the Lanka efforts are consolidated.

If you are having difficulty reaching your loved ones in Sri Lanka due to congested telephone lines, send an email to Udara Soysa (udarasri 'at' sltnet.lk) in Sri Lanka with a message and the phone number of your loved one. He will then call and relay the message.

Source: LacNet