We Need Voluteers
I'm flooded with e-mail. This is following the blogosphere, New York Times story etc...If you're reading this, please email any of us to release you an invite. We need more people in Anadaman Islands, Chennai, and other affected parts. ***Also, send money generously, but check out the organisation record before you do that. You want to make sure it reaches the affected people.***
More relief links:
Aid India
More relief links:
Aid India
- this is some well-organised stuff and contact info. Please help these guys.
Also, I'm copy-pasting this donation info here:
Sarvodaya: They’re a very good organization and they’re doing their best to help people who need clean water, food and shelter. They don’t have any online billing in place, but someone is working on that. They do give a Swift code and account number for money transfers.
ColomboPage is accepting donations online (Credit Card, via PayPal). They are also reputable. That’s probably a better option.
Tamil Rehabilitation Organization: I’m not as familiar with TRO, but I got the link off TamilNet. The East and Northeast have been hit the worst and they need assistance. The Northeast is rebel territory but at this point I don’t think anyone gives a shit
More blogs and SMS reports:
ChiensSansFrontiers now has two live bloggers and one SMSReport from Sri Lanka
Also, I'm copy-pasting this donation info here:
Sarvodaya: They’re a very good organization and they’re doing their best to help people who need clean water, food and shelter. They don’t have any online billing in place, but someone is working on that. They do give a Swift code and account number for money transfers.
ColomboPage is accepting donations online (Credit Card, via PayPal). They are also reputable. That’s probably a better option.
Tamil Rehabilitation Organization: I’m not as familiar with TRO, but I got the link off TamilNet. The East and Northeast have been hit the worst and they need assistance. The Northeast is rebel territory but at this point I don’t think anyone gives a shit
More blogs and SMS reports:
ChiensSansFrontiers now has two live bloggers and one SMSReport from Sri Lanka
I am a software engineer in bangalore, and want to volunteer. I have time on my hands for the next 3-5 days at least.
my mail id is: m_mekin@yahoo.com
my ph number is : 98451 67896
Any contact info for groups headed from Bangalore for relief work would be great.
-mekin ( http://www.livejournal.com/users/mekin/17062.html )
Hey, tell me if you need help responding to emails.
[reposting a previous comment]
asha for education has just made a press release about their effort to raise
funds for tsunami victims.
asha has a chennai chapter that is
working on the ground.
asha is also in the process of partnering with AID India (www.aidindia.org) to jointly collect funds and send out the word.
I want to volunteer; you can contact me on 022-28321399, i am based in mumbai;
neha rao
I want to volunteer, and am in the States. If you need people out there to help, I want to be one of them. Also for potable water, I suggest that you buy up a number of those filter-in-the-bottle portable systems. Here is a link to one that the Red Cross likes:
I look forward to helping as a volunteer.
(206) 208 5461
Karthik here. I am currently in Chennai and I can volunteer for the next one month from today. I can be reached at +91-9840649480 or at karthikvp@yahoo.com
Volunteer in Phuket
currently near thalang hospital, and six kms from the airport
have limited transport
got internet connection, speak english spanish italian german
currently doing info bridge
and giving out biscuits and tshirts to local affected population, and coffins - we need more coffins if someone wants to donate one I'll buy on your behalf
I would like to volunteer as well. I live in New York City and I am available. E-mail me at grahamharvey1982@yahoo.com
Hi I would like to help - live in the states and have a least a month to stay and help please contact me hathi@law.uiuc.edu
i am a teacher in wisconsin and have until jan 9 off. i would like to volunteer where needed in affected areas. please CALL 414.964.6928 if there is a place i can volunteer man-labor for the next few days and i'll catch a flight out. -- heather
I am in the United States and would like to help for several months. I can leave immediately and am willing to help where ever needed. Clifford Baer; 307-647-2470.
Hi, my name is Courtney McKaig and I can leave immediately to volunteer. I'm available for at least four months. I live near Seattle, WA in the U.S. I have degrees in psychology and criminology, and have experience as a disaster relief volunteer with the Red Cross. Please let me know if I can help! Email: courtney12@spu.edu
American looking to Volunteer in disaster efforts. Contact Ra @ birthquake2000@hotmail.com
can anyone post a link to specific information on how people can donate their time if they are able to get the the area quickly. thank you.
Willing to volunteer for unspecified amount of time. I am living in the US. I have extensive construction experience and willing to help with whatever I can.
Willing to volunteer for unspecified amount of time. I am living in the US. I have extensive construction experience and willing to help with whatever I can. Please email me at encounter779@hotmail.com or call 651-983-5416.
I am in California, I already had a ticket to Thailand before the Tsunami and am still coming. I will be in on Jan. 13th. please let me know who and where I should contact when I arrive. Would prefer to stay in Thailand, but anywhere they need the most help I am willing. Please contact me. chamisah@hotmail.com
I have experience in construction and have a U.S.Coast Guard Masters license am willing to volunteer in whatever capacity I can
I am 56 and can be contacted at 251-974-2915...Orange Beach, AL
Hi, myself and girlfriend would like to volunteer if anyone needs us. We are in canada and could go very soon. We are availabe long term and are willing to do anything. Please contact gkmoore79@hotmail.com
I'm a 27 year old South African Male, living in New York. I'm a Mechanical Engineer and have been backpacking/traveling and working throughout Europe and the US for the last 5 years. My health is excellent and I’m fit.
I have just over a month’s time (possibly more, up to a year) to spend helping. I really want to help with ANYTHING, ANYWHERE. I’ll pay my way there, wherever and my living expenses.
Please contact me via email – phil_Ferreira@hotmail.com or phil_Ferreira@yahoo.com.
Philip Ferreira – Volunteer on the way
I am a Sri Lankan-American with experience working with information dissemination technologies for poor urban communities (slum communities) in Gujarat, India and would really like to see how this information could help those countries affected by the tsunami - most especially Sri Lanka as it has been hardest hit. I would be most willing to volunteer my time - I have training and certification in disaster management from the UK and US. Please contact me at nmu527@yahoo.com.
I am prepared to volunteer immediately on the ground, for as long as required. I am based in California and ready to fly out. Please contact me at mark@corbae.com
I am interested in volunteering my time to help the tsunami victims. I will travel wherever needed and do whatever is needed. I have a degree in psychology and have some counseling background. I have some experience in clean up and restoration efforts, as I live in Florida and have been cleaning up after the hurricanes. Please let me know how I can help.
Hi. I can volunteer immediatly through april. If you need help, I'm available and will pay my way. im located in Washington DC. bexalo@aol.com
Hi. I am a graduate student near Chicago and I want to volunteer anywhere there is greatest need. I have group leadership and outreach experience. Please email me at jen.bills@gmail.com or call me anytime at (319)354-6863 or (319)354-6857. Thanks!
Hi, I am Lori Bigler and want to volunteer. I am a college student and am available until January 15. I would like to help wherever there is greatest need. Contact me at lori.bigler@gmail.com.
I am willing to help in any aspects for a long period of time. I am from Singapore! Able to assist in any relief tasks. Contactable at 65 96825317 or kohzihui@hotmail.com
- Jo Koh
Hi, my name is Carole. I would really like to help and volunteer with the relief effort. I am currently unemployed so would be able to donate as much time as needed. I have done volunteer work in the past. I am young and willing to work hard. Please contact me at sugarsuzie@hotmail.com Thank you.
Healthy young male (21). I need to get over there and help, I'll be able to work muiltiple days straight through with no sleep. help me help you.
contact: Paul
address: mentstyle@juno.com
760-521-9268 in the u.s. (california)
I will pray for you all.
Hello, My name is Beju and I would like to volunteer where ever needed. I am available right away for whatever time is neccessary. I can be contacted at beju_lakhani@hotmail.com.
I am currently in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, would like to volunteer/help in any way possible. Please get in touch with me at maithreyim@hotmail.com / maithreyim@gmail.com - Maithreyi
i would like to volunteer. i am in new york and looking for a program to go through to help over there. please contact me if anyone has information on this, cw524@nyu.edu, 646-997-2297
Hi, I am currently taking my gap year in Thailand, and want to know if there is some way in which I can help the people living through the affects of this diaster. I can not donate money, but I am in the country until June. Can someone advise as to how I could get involved?
Feel free to email me any responses at annag37@hotmail.com
Many thanks.
My name is Miroslava.I am a nurse from the Czech Republic,but I am living in New Zealand now.I am prepared to volunteer immediately for as long as required.Please contact me at:mirpis@centrum.cz
Hi there,
My name is Laura, I am an intensive care nurse with 25 years experience, currently working in a hospital in Sydney, Australia. I am available and I want to volunteer. Please ring me on 0404 230 896 or
(02)9894 9696 or email me at hazlotoz@bigpond.net.au
and let me know how i can get involved.
I am heading back Australia from France through Singapore on 01 Jan 2005. I am available for a week of voluntary work in South East Asia between 01 Jan to 08 Jan 2005.
Hi. This is Gaurav Kulkarni. Graduate student from Nagpur. I am willing to Voulenteer for the tsunami reliefe. I have previous experiance in building reliefe housing and have leadership and outreach capabilities. I will pay my way through to any region that you need me to come down to. If needed I would try to get a few people to come down with me. My contact information is +91-9823361885 or email gauravkulkarni@msn.com. Can start as soon as needed and would be ready to work for atleast a months time.
I am a Malaysian heading home on 3 January, and am available for volunteer work. Please e-mail mlian_99@yahoo.com if there is anything at all I can do to help.
Hi I am a Singaporean prepared to fly back to SEA immediately if there is anyone requiring volunteers, particularly in north sumatra. You can email me at dark_interpreter@fastmail.fm or SMS +447904734807.
Im Dotun, a graduate student based in London, England, I have a couple of months to spare before my studies starts next year. Ill like to volunteer in the anywhere in the South-East Asia. I have experience in outreach,group-leadership and counselling. I am available immediately. You can contact me on brosdee@yahoo.co.uk.
I am from Bangalore and would like to volunteer for relief efforts. I would be happy to get involved in any way.
Suman Paul
ph - 9845171246
Hi I am a SriLankan native and am currently residing in the UK. I would like to volunteer for any amount of time in SriLanka. Please contact me on 0208 449 6647 or via e-mail: shehara_j1@hotmail.com
i may not have a medical degree but i want to be a volunteer to the tsunami victims, i dont have alot of money but i can offer phisical and mental support and want to be there to do what i can. sophie
my name is sophie. anything i can do to help the tsunami victims please contact me on jill_stallard@hotmail.com
My name is Don Orkoskey, my email is donorkoskey@yahoo.com I have a labor background so I can help rebuild buildings, I can cook as well and I am strong and hard working. Though I have no formal medical training I do have an understanding of diseases and pathologies, (it's a hobby) I understand the dangerous situation and wish to assist. I'm rather poor so I feel the money that I've given can't be enough. Please contact me if there is any opportunity to volunteer.
We are a couple currently staying in Goa. We can offer our time until April in whatever way is helpful.
We both have IT backgrounds so can help with anything IT related, typing, website creating etc. We also have experience in managing people and processes and training. Both are native English speakers, but have no other language.
Contact us at magic_bus_uk@yahoo.co.uk
I am Swetha from Mumbai and have been trying to get in touch since the past 2 days. Have already made material contributions... Would like to volunteer for the rescue operations. Please contact me soon as assistance needed is urgent. Am free till the 3rd of Jan. U can mail me on " swets85@yahoo.co.in " ..will be checking my inbox regularly. Hoping to hear from u soon.
My name is Michael Devine I am a Firefighter in the U.K.
Fire Service I have 26 years experience I am 49 years old but very fit and would like to volounteer my services to the place where they are needed most I can arrange time off work throughout January.
my email address is devo@persier.fsnet.co.uk or telephone 00 44 1283 702705
Hi, my name is Jonathan and I have a flight to Bangkok in two weeks. I was supposed to visit the northern region of the country, but since I heard about the tsunami, I want to help victims in the province of Phuket and around. I can help up to 6 months. Who do I need to contact to volunteer ? thank you for your help. my email is nufan671@hotmail.com
My Name is Brian and I am from England. I am a graduate with a background in running and managing a mobile library service. Also spent time in the army including time working clearing up the mess left by England's 'hurricane' of 1987.
Can you let me know how I can volounteer. I will do anythin gto help. electikk@yahoo.de
Hello - I am in Scotland, very happy to help - spk basic Bahasa Indonesia , and used to life in SE ASia. No formal experience, but very willing to go out to Aisa if required, or do stuff here - and have the time. Raising funds over New Year with Red Cross in Edinburgh - if you are here and want to join - (44) 7743 317 207 - moontravels2@yahoo.co.uk.
Hello - I am in Scotland, very happy to help - spk basic Bahasa Indonesia , and used to life in SE ASia. No formal experience, but very willing to go out to Aisa if required, or do stuff here - and have the time. Raising funds over New Year with Red Cross in Edinburgh - if you are here and want to join - (44) 7743 317 207 - moontravels2@yahoo.co.uk.
Hi. Very experienced pilot here (20+ years on helicopters and other aircraft). Living in Namibia and willing to travel to SE asia to help. I can be contacted via email: jmacdow@aol.com.
Hi my name is Gergo and i live in Hungary. I used to work in Thailand. Sorrily im an expert searching for dead bodies as a diver and as a special rescuer. Im willing to go to anywhere in the involved area if my experience and help is needed.
Contact: bageri@freemail.hu
Dave here in the UK, no real skills beyond a strong arms, legs and heart.
+44 1293 772899
+44 7749 146456
Hey! I am 23 years old From Nepal Currently In Delhi, Actually i was planning to go Down South India but than this Tsunami tragedy happen.I am willing to volunteer and even willing to pay for my own ticket and bear my own expenses as long i am needed down there. So please do write to me at tsephuntsok@gmail.com or tse_masaya79@hotmail.com.
Thanks TSE
My name is Ana and I live in Dublin, Ireland. I am off until January 9th and would like to volunteer anywhere you need me. I have lived in Indonesia and China and have visited many of these places that are now destroyed. My email is anapauladublin@yahoo.ie. I am available to go anywhere until Jan.9th. I dont have money to give, but I have experience as a nurse's assistant, with young babies and children and speak Portuguese, English and Spanish. I WANT TO HELP IN ANY WAY I CAN. Please contact me. anapauladublin@yahoo.ie 353 085 7104019.
My name is Shayne, I am currently in London but will travel where ever I am needed. I ran a flood damage restoration business in Australia for 15yrs. I can offer Building skills, team leading and motivating and am also a great problem solver under pressure. If any one needs my help please let me know.
How do I volunteer?? Im able to do anything! 19 year old girl from the states. sveetcouture@yahoo.com
I am a financial analyst working in hyderabad. I would like to volunteer to help the people hit by tsunami from 14th jan for 10 days. I have experience in distributing medicines and other ground work. I can also work as a counseller to the people affected by the trauma. Please reach me at nirmalachukka@yahoo.co.in or 98661 05887.
Thank you,
I am a financial analyst working in hyderabad. I would like to volunteer to help the people hit by tsunami from 14th jan for 10 days. I have experience in distributing medicines and other ground work. I can also work as a counseller to the people affected by the trauma. Please reach me at nirmalachukka@yahoo.co.in or 98661 05887.
Thank you,
Hello, my name is Jon Zuckerman. I am in Washington, DC,and looking for a way to help the relief effort. I can stay as long as needed and have extensive construction experience. I am a carpenter and am willing to do whatever is needed of me. I am 29 years old. Please contact me at jonzuckerman@hotmail.com or 508 246 2468
i too can volunteer for relief efforts. i am american, a nurse, and speak spanish and english. i would drop everything to come. please contact me. laurieiaccino@hotmail.com or by phone 541.510.9938
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
My name is Luis Natividade (23) and I´d like to be a volunteer in Asia. PLease contact me: lnatividade@hotmail.com [fone: (brazil´s code + 11 - 4033 1187). For any work.
I live in Toronto and would be willing to assist in organization or management of processes, foods, service implementation or human resources. I love working with children and people of all ages... Any organization is welcome to contact me as I would be willing to assist in any area, for a period of time, of the Tsunami disaster zone. Laura at watsonll@aol.com
I live in Toronto and would be willing to assist organizationally or through the management of processes, foods, service implementation or human resources. Counselling with children and families.. Any organization is welcome to contact me as I would be willing to assist in any area, for a period of time, of the Tsunami disaster zone. Laura at 416-322-3334 or watsonll@aol.com
Hello --
My name is Jessica -- I have just spent several months in Southern India esp. Tamil Nadu, and returned to New York this summer. I would be willing to volunteer for an unspecified amount of time. I have years of experience in construction, but would be willing to help in all areas, be it organizing in New York, or travelling to India to lend a hand. Please contact me at jessegall@yahoo.com, or (718) - 344 - 4990 (USA)
I am a 27 year old male living in New York. I'm currently a web developer. However, I would like to help in any capacity possible. I'm healthy, strong and have lots of travel experience. I have some basic carpentry and framing experience (good at building things). I also have previous first aid certifications. I am eager to help out in any way possible. The best way to reach me is through email at jasonkay19@yahoo.com
I'm in the United States and will have a break between jobs from January 10-20. I know it's not a lot of time, but I'd like to spend it helping in whatever way possible. I don't have any medical experience but am willing to do anything that will be of assistance. If there's a way I can be of use, please contact me at dogandponytheater@yahoo.com.
I just completed a post a couple minutes ago. I am the 27 year old from New York. I wanted to add that although I'm currently working, I'm able to take off for however amount of time I am needed. My name is Jason and I can be contacted at jasonkay19@yahoo.com
I am 22 year ols from Ireland . I have spent many months ove rht elast 5 years travelling in SE Asia, it is like a second home to me. I am avaialble, as is my boyfriend to go to Any of the countries in need of help. We can leave Ireland in the coming weeks for a few months. Please could anyone e mail us some agencies addresses that are over there or phone number so we can find out where to go and start helping as soon as possible. Claire, Dublin
22 year old from Ireland again, i can be contacted won heydumbo@hotmail.com or germclaughlin@hotmail.com
My name is Eric and I'm located in NYC. I am available to go right away. I have checked with the IRC and the Red Cross here and they are overwhelmed by the magnitude of this tragedy. My skills are many and my time is free. You can reach me at ericthai1@yahoo.com. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I can be on a plane tomorrow. i look forward to hearing from you. ericthai1@yahoo.com
just posted a mail a while ago. Wanted to add that i am a Nurses aid and my boyfriend is a carpenter so we have alot to offer. We are willing to do anything to help , anywhere that needs help. these countries affected are full of the most beautiful and welcoming poeple i have ever met. Its breaking my heart watching all the news programmes, need to be out there doing something for them all.
My name is Fabio Souza, from Brazil, I am 26 years old and I am available for the next month in order to work as volunteer in any part of the disaster at Asia. I have got a number of skills including IT , carpenter, mecanic engeenering... but aso willy to do anything to help.
Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon you need someone.
My name is Fabio Souza located in Brazil, I am 26 years old and I am available for the next month in order to work as volunteer in any part of the disaster at Asia. I have got a number of skills including IT , carpenter, mecanic engeenering... but aso willy to do anything to help.
Please do not hesitate to contact me as soon you need someone. You can reach me in the following email address: fcoelhodesouza@yahoo.com
my name is sarah davies. i am willing to do any form of voluntary work, i currently live in the uk but will fly anywhere to help. my home telephone is 01308 897457 my mobile is 07881 921726 and my email address is weegirl7@hotmail.com i really want to help as much as i can.
Hello, I am looking for an opportunity to volunteer anywhere in Asia to assist with the tsunami relief effort. Currently, I live in NY but am available for as long as needed and can transport myself to Asia. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Sumera Bhatti
Hi..I am Singapore..My name is Jay.I want to help the victims.I will be sending certain provision items coupled with money from here...and would want to extend my help to the tsunami victims.Please contact me at
Hello, I am looking for an opportunity to volunteer to assist with the tsunami relief efforts.I am currently in NY but am available for as long as needed and can transport myself to Asia. Please contact me at sumerabhatti@yahoo.com. Any information would be kindly appreciated. Thank you, Sumera Bhatti
I want to volunteer and head out to any of the much needed areas in South-East Asia. I am willing to fly out in the next week and can stay for a month. I am good health and can do any manual labor that is needed. I simpy need some contact information and who to go with and meet over there. 26yr old U.S. college graduate with experience in working in cross-cultural areas such as the Philippines and China. Am fluent in Spanish and can speak some Mandarin. Able to learn languages and cultures very quickly, and can work non-stop for the whole month. Please contact me on how and who to go with at elisha.fl@fortbendmail.com My prayers are with the people of Asia.
I want to find out how I can help with this from england. Anyone else who might want to coordinate this or raise funds please email me on syedb88@hotmail.com.
Willing to help in anyway. God bless you all.
I would like to help also. What type of volunteers are needed? And how do I find out more? I am in California
margaret mann
email is margmary@pacbell.net
I am Sanchayeeta. I am in Kolkata. I am a Planner specialising in urban planning (Housing) from IIT Bombay. I want to volunteer for Tsunami relief work in India. Plzz do mail me for any kind of help needed. My mail ID sadhikari@iitb.ac.in...
I am Mahesh from Chennai and am available for volunteer work for the next one week.
please do contact me
I want to help, available along with brothers (all in our 30's engineers. Ready to leave anytime in Spain, speak English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian.
We can be contacted at crteb@aol.com
I am Vidhya writing from Ann Arbor, Michigan. Is there any way I can help???
Please do contact me at-
I am a filmmaker living in Knoxville TN and would like to help anyway possible. I am available for international travel or within the US. I can travel for over a month if necessary. Please e-mail me at ms@dvd360.com if I can be of any assistance whatsoever.
willing to volunteer efforts in any way; 30 year old female with german family in chiang mai who can also assist. clefas@hotmail.com
Hi. I am in the States and am more than willing to volunteer if I can help in any way. I am willing to travel there, but do not have the personal means to do so. Physical labor, recovery of bodies, Administrative / computer support, distribution of supplies, whatever is needed. I also have some informal medical training / knowledge. Please contact me if I may be useful.
branwen cassedy
I am available to volunteer from Canada. I speak fluent french and english as well as some spanish. I have previous volunteer experience and I work in logistics management. I am very health, strong (mentally and physically). randybelham@yahoo.ca
I am from Canada and I am available to travel to anywhere you need me. I have extensive experience in logistics management, which seems to be a very big issue right now. Let me know and I will be there within a day or two.
I am a New Zealander based in Melbourne Australia and am available to help. Can leave at short notice - Telecommunications/pabx/cabling is my trade - so if there is a need for people like me please let me know asap. Can also help with anything that is needed - general labour or building. Contact me richard.gidddens@gmail.com for phone number and cv etc - happy to work for nothing.
I am interested in volunteering. I am physically fit, a certified diver and have extensive experience working with animals of most any type. I don't mind working to help people, round up farm animals or just help clear debris -I would be willing to do any job I could be trained to do. I am 29 and live in Philadelphia PA, I should be able to give up to a month of my time. Please email me at scubaliz@aol.com
Hi, I speak Indonesian/Malay, am currently in the US. What can I do to help? Three indonesian-speaking friends of mine are also willing to fly to southeast asia if needed.
--Josie Clowney, jclowney@umich.edu, 734-277-7971
We're a couple living in Chicago with available time. We would love to help in any way we can and in any locations possible. Send e-mails to: pabi_boy@hotmail.com. Thank you so much.
I can do masonary, plumbing, electrical, and carpentry work. I am currently in Atlanta Georgia. I am will to assist until the job is done. My heart prays for you , and I give my hnds to work for you.
I live 30 min from NYC I would love to give of my time personally and with my family to help with any hands on relief efforts in and around NYC...packing, calling, you name it..hands on in this time of need. Contact me at alliedmedical@optonline.net or chirodoc@optonline.net
Money is easy to give...we want to give more
michael & Hannah
May God Bless & Stregthen those who will be helping with relief in this disaster and Comfort the families of those who have suffered loss.
I would also like to volunteer to help. Willing to travel to SE Asia and help for a month or more. I am currently in Hong Kong, can speak English, Chinese, Cantonese, limited Japanese
!!!! I want to volunteer, I want to come and help as needed. Where should I go, who should I contact? Please email me any information that would be helpful. I cannot come until March, two months away, but I'm sure help will still be needed then. I'm 24, graduated college little over a year ago now...live in the US and want to do for others, and not be self focused. my email is: KelKeljean@aol.com !!!!!!!!!
please write!
I am available for volunteer nwork in tsunami affected area. willing to do whatever it takes.
Deseo ser voluntario. Soy docente, profesor en educacion fisica. Desde Argentina. Mi nombre es Walter Heredia y mi correo es eltiman@yahoo.com. Lo que pueda ayudar, estoy con posibilidades para enero y febrero si es necesario. Sincerelly yours.
My friend and I want to help. We are Wilderness First Responders, and have intercultural training, and disaster rescue training as well. We are willing and able to get our EMT's on top of all that, or fly anywhere on our own expense right away. We can stay indefinitely. We have our own camping gear gathered and ready for anything including foul water and food of any grade, and have just had our vaccines boosted. We bring some of our own medical gear, but can also round up specific item needs if necessary. We are both strong, healthy, avid hikers/climbers/boaters/etc, and within a year of 20. My Phone number is 503 253 3563. Call me anytime day or night. (Ask for Karl Ernsberger or Philip Graber)
I am currently in Southern Thailand and would like to volunteer either here or in Indonesia. I can travel to any given location within either of these countries. I have at least 1 month to give. Please let me know if there is any need for my services out there. I am 34, healthy, and ready to help out in any way I can.
I'd like to volunteer. davesch@ucla.edu
VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED URGENTLY: Do you have access to a phone where you can dial an international number, do you have a satellite phone? We need your assistance. Contact us.
NOTE: If you are looking for someone:
1. Please try and contact the person you are looking for using all telephone numbers you have.
2. If you are unable to establish contact, call your Foreign Office and let them know the details of the missing person.
3. Fill in our online form and request our help. Please include detailed information, even trivial information can be useful. Information that is especially important: all known telephone numbers, work and home address, last known location, last contact time and nationality.
STATISTICS: Number of requests: 1629 Number Found: 51 Pending: 1578
Locators Online is an online community of volunteers that help loved-ones communicate with each other during natural disasters. Our Emergency Response Teams establish communication between families and friends when all other conventional methods have failed. This web site acts as a link between our volunteers in the disaster zone and those requesting our help to contact a missing loved one.
I'm currently living in New York city and I would very much like to help with the ongoing relief efforts for the tsunami victims. I am willing to perform anything that can be done locally, like administrative tasks or errands. Please reach me at 1-646-209-0034 or tanel66@yahoo.com. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hi there
I am a Meida planner from Mumbai , and i want to volunteer. I have time on my hands for the next 3-5 days at least starting from 12th jan -15th jan
my mail id is: kanikamohan@hotmail.com
my ph number is : 9820810442
pls get in touch with me
i would also want to contribute to those who require support
i am reachable anytime of day or nite
kanika Mohan Saxena
Hi, my name is Sunil Pai, I'm a comp sci. engineering student from Karnataka. I'm willing to volunteer for any grunt work and/or technical work required. Contact me at sunil_gpai@yahoo.com. I don't know whom to email, i just hope you read this comment down here.
Willing to volunteer overseas or in the united states for tsunami relief. Construction, contracting, and computer experience, plus many other fields.
Adam & Bob
contact us at: axdp944@hotmail.com
Hi, I'm from Germany, male, 37 years old, travelling experience (about a year) to South India, computer programmer and social worker by profession, and I would like to volunteer for the Tamil Nadu / Andhra Pradesh / Kerala regions. I have no medical education (only first aid), but could help in reconstruction works, or whatever there is to do. I could arrange a stay for 4..6 weeks on from mid-January, but flight costs, food, and lodging should be paid. European organizations interested in my help can request further details at alwin.ertl@online.de
hi - im from calcutta, india.. currently live in atlanta, GA - i would like to volunteer my services in any way possible - fluent in english, hindi and bengali - am an independent business consultant and have flexibility with work time - if any local chapters of aid organizations need communication help, or any other kind of assistance - please contact me at wspanic@gmail.com - my heart goes out to every family and friend affected by this terrible, terible tragedy.
LOCATORS ONLINE (www.locators-online.org) urgently needs volunteers who can dial international numbers. If you have access to a phone where you can dial an international number, or have a satellite phone, please email david@locators-online.org
I would like to volunteer for tsunami relief. I am a former Peace Corps volunteer, have 20 years experience managing Wastewater (sewer) Treatment facilities (large and small) and am a pilot with tailwheel endorsement.
please contact me at martremcheerful@yahoo.com
jennifer nguyen
houston tx
i want to help
contact: jenthinguyen@hotmail.com
I want to volunteer from after 20th Jan indefinately (until my money runs out). I am a development studies student and will help out whereever it's needed. Would prefer to go to more remote places, but not fussy. E-mail me ruthwsg@yahoo.co.uk or tel UK + (44) 0-208 740 8577
I live in Atlanta Georgia, and am available to help either here in the States on in Asia, please contact me at normatibs@comcast.net
Hi, i am an IT professional living in the UK and want to help with the relief effort in Asia, I am able to travel to the area asap - please contact me via email chudasamab@hotmail.com
Hi, my name is Chris, I live in Pennsylvania and am willing to donate however much time it takes. I have plenty of carpentry and framing expierience, and I spent three years in the U.S. Army. I'm very able bodied and am willing to help in any way I can to get the world through this huge tragedy.
Chris Hudson
3836 Harper Court
Bethlehem, PA 18020
email: mcsenseone@yahoo.com
Hi, I'm 30 years old. I'm a teacher and first aider and I would like to volunteer in any way that I can. I can work till April.
Please contact me at Elisabethrichards@yahoo.co.uk
sorry, that's my old email...
mcsenseone@hotmail.com is the correct one.
Volunteering with imeadiate effect.paying own way some experience with relief efforts willing to undertake any task.
My wife and I would like to volunteer to serve and help in any way in the tsunami relief effort. I am an ordained minister with over 10 years of experience in overseas ministry in Latin America and Africa. My wife is an RN with over 20 years experience in multiiple facits of health care. We are both physically strong and emotionally stable.
John Fornelli
(630) 768-6351
I own www.strawbale.co.uk and may be able to put together a team of strawbale contruction enthusiasts and experts to trevel to any areas. Strawbale housing can be constructed quickly and can be used as short and long term housing. As a Building material its great and has good thermal qualities.
I am looking to work with a recognised charity to add this service to their porfolio of relief efforts.
Please contact me for further info or to discuss.
UK Mobile 44 078 101 44 06
I would like to offer myself to help in any way possible to ease the suffering of the tsunami victims. I am a 33 year old female with an accounting degree..in good shape and healthy. Please let me know if there is anywhere I can go help, as I am available as soon as needed. I live in New Jersey, US. Happy28joy@hotmail.com
There is a message at the top to email but no address.
i am able to volunteer,i am working as a social worker in scotland and would be available for any length of time.
I would like to help in any way possible. I am an undergraduate student from New York. I would like to volunteer my time to the victims in Southeast Asia. Please email me at arae4383@yahoo.com as soon as possible.
Please consider my offer to volunteer in any of the affected countries. I am a very able bodied 47 year old Canadian caucasian and am willing to work in what ever area you may need volunteers. Please contact me at rgcooper@pacificcoast.net.
Please contact me with volunteer needs. I am in the Seattle area and willing to travel.
I would love to help in any way possible. Please email me at jglow@optonline.net
Look forward to hearing from you,
I am located in Akron, Ohio and would like to volunteer in any way shape or form to assist in the rescue and rebuilding of the areas damaged by the tsunami/quake. I can't keep sitting around and doing nothing, I feel like I need to contribute something more than just money. I can help for 2-3 weeks doing whatever is needed. Please contact me if I can be of any assistance. EQSnods@sbcglobal.net
I would very much like to volunteer to help. I am a strong, male in Vancouver, BC. Am a network engineer, have first aid training. Please contact me at mlingg@telus.net
I would like to volunteer. I am a 42 year old male. I am an elementary school teacher and have time/days to use if needed. I have been to several countries in the past and would love to volunteer if needed. Contact me - anoles62@msn.com. PLEASE CONTACT ME
Able and wanting to leave immediately for affected areas. 25 year old student in Scotland. Very strong fit and healthy. Experience in construction and working at sea.
PLEASE CONTACT Matthaios by telephone or e-mail.
+447769506180 - mobile
+441415343059 - home
Able-bodied and skilled volunteer!! Willing to travel anywhere in Tsunami-hit area!! I work in international development and am a former Peace Corps volunteer. I can do computers, writing, budgeting, press relations, recruiting, report-writing, organization, supervision, planning or just manual labor. Please contact me so that I can contribute!!
I would like to volunteer in Thailand or other affected areas. I Am a college student in Stockton, Ca. with prior military experience,former fire fighter, former lifeguard. EMT certified in Ca. I have worked as a behavioral therapist for the past 3 yrs, and volunteered with the American Red Cross (but, they're not sending anybody).
I also have lots of experience with painting & construction.
If any organization could put me to work, I would eagerly leave USA. I can stay out until end of January. I would leave here ASAP. Someone please contact me.
Richard Castleman (209)603-4257
Would like to volunteer for relief work anywhere affected by the Tsunami/earthquake for up to one year. Presently on leave from Parsons Transportation Group. Just finished 5 yr highway construction project in Colorado. Have MS degree in Environmental Engineering. 55 yr old male in excellent health and physical condition. Willing to do what ever is necessary. Hugh. Call at 970-309-2004 or email to hplant@sopris.net
Hi, I'm Chung, 25yr old male from Malaysia. I'd like to volunteer help in any of the hard-hit countries. I am not medically-trained, but I am trainable and available on a short notice.
Hi, my name is Tara, Im 18 and I live in Australia. I would really like to help somehow. I have vast experience in fundraising and working with children, as well as business. If there is any way I can help, please contact me at: wendy_clear16@hotmail.com.
Thank you!
I am Melanie. I live in Oregon U.S. I would like to volunteer in Southeast Asia. I am available for at least 6 months. I am willing to help in whatever way possible.
melanie@olallielake.com 541-420-7633
I am living in Koh Samui, Thailand, and my visiting cousin and I want to help in the relief efforts anywhere we may be needed in Thailand. Please call me at 072-741-611 or send an email at yoga@worldguide.com. He leaves on the 10th of Jan so it would be great if you get back to me and if we come as soon as possible.
My name is Elizabeth from Houston, Texas. I am a recent college graduate with a degree in management. I am currently unemployed and have all the time in the world to help console, bring love and encouragement and re-build (emotionally and physically)the lives of those suffering. I have worked with children, teens and adults from all walks of life and would give anything to help. Please contact me at liba_d@yahoo.com or 832-641-6264.
Hello. My name is Jennifer G., and I am a third year pre-med undergraduate student. I am able to give my time until April in relief effort, and would be willing to assist in medical,distribution, rebuilding, or whatever I am needed to do to help. Please contact at temptinb_2417@yahoo.com. Thank You.
HI, I'm a board certified family practitioner who is available to help. Call or email: docwithabox@yahoo.com. (978)-835-4175. Thank you.
I am a former Red Cross Executive Director with Disaster Relief and mass feeding experience. Husband is Child Protective Services Supervisor and was Crisis Services Manager for our County for three years. We are available - please contact us if you need our services.
Carole and Steve
I am available to volunteer where it is needed the most. I can leave immediately and am available until January 29. Please email me at trish.stewart@gmail.com
I am currently living in the US mid-Atlantic region and would like to volunteer where I am needed. I have a broad range of skills (including supervision/management) and would be well-placed as a team leader for a clean-up or reconstruction crew. I am awaiting approval from my current employer for time off but am expecting to be available for a three or four week trip. I am well-traveled internationally, including Asia, and am current on necessary shots/immunizations for immediate travel. Please email me at your earliest opportunity if you are interested in my help: nick_alan79@yahoo.com
My husband and I live in Texas and we are willing to do whatever we can to help ANYWHERE we are needed. Sitting here watching those poor people suffer like that and not being able to reach out and help them is killing me. We just want to try to help give them some sort of reason to want to go on after such a tragedy. My husband is skilled in construction and neither of us are afraid to get his hands dirty.
Please contact us at dday73@earthlink.net or 512-296-3109.
Thank you and god bless.
Angela and Daniel
I would like to volunteer my time and efforts to the disaster relief. I want to fly out and help in anyway. If anybody knows any organizations that would take me, my email address is flylikeaneagle@gmail.com and my phone number is 626 286 3412
Hardworking volunteer immediately available & anxious to help: 30 yr. old female student from New Mexico, U.S., would fly out ASAP, must return to the U.S. by Jan. 17. No specific skills beyond crisis hotline training & experience, but able-bodied & also able to pay my own way. Please contact Zoe at zandcdwyer@msn.com, or at (505)989-3442. I wish to help in any way I can. Thank you.
Hi I would like to help - Phuket and probably in other affected areas. Have Swiftwater/Flood Rescue and First Aid/CPR qualifications. Please contact me at mcsos88@hotmail.com
I would like to volunteer with any organisation travelling from Bangalore. I am a software engineer and have worked with an NGO before. Please call me on 9880405727.
I am looking to volunteer in the areas devastated by the recent tragedy in the Indian Ocean. I am available now through the end of June. I have an assignment with the US Peace Corps in July.
Nicholas Ramsey
My Name is David Street, Living in the UK. I am not working so I can offer as much time as may be required. This includes should it be required travel to an affected area to assist.
You can contact me at davidistreet@btinternet.com, this is also my yahoo id. It will be runnning 24 hours a day. Just let me know
I am available immediately to go to Asia and help, whatever is necessary.
I would like to volunteer. I am based in Singapore and am able to commit for about 7 days (flexible and extendable). I am looking to provide relief work (distribution of food and medical supplies, counseling, search and rescue etc.) in areas that are affected by the tsunami. If you are an organisation and require volunteers abroad, please contact me at +65 96611547. My name is Bobby.
Hi, i wanted to contribute my time volunteering for the tsunami disaster. I am living in Canada and i can help out with the phones, emails and etc. Please email me at neerjgill@gmail.com
i lived thailand for eight months. i am 20 and i stay in huahin. is there anything i can do to help? i can work for as long as necessary and am willing to do anything to help. please contact me at garnetdagger@hotmail.com. i can arrange my own travel n everything else.
Skilled Volunteer Available ready to respond to quake victims in South Asia
25 years experience as a professional rescue firefighter, advanced oxygen therapy, senior first aid etc, disaster search and rescue trained.
I am also - an
Electrician – (licensed ‘A’ Class Electrician)25 years plus Building experience. Own tool available
Trained and skilled in the operation of many different types of machinery i.e. chain saw, elevated work platforms, earthmoving equipment (bob cat, front end loaders, tractors etc), water well drilling Irrigation.
Driving – licensed and experienced in heavy trucks, buses (large passenger accredited) , 4x4, 4x6 trucks, forklift, motor cycle.
Australian Army – 3 years regular army, Communications Technician, (corp. of signals)
Army engineer – Army Firefighter – trained in decontamination, rescue etc, campsite set-ups inc water, water power and communication supply, generator operation and maintenance, electricity supply safety.
Sundries- professional photographer, volunteer for CANTEEN (teenagers living with cancer), current passport, police check.
contact me at pearo@adam.com.au or ph 61 8 83515533
Able-bodied and willing to stay as long as possible, please contact me @ dcdomain@hotmail.com with more information regarding volunteering. Thank you.
I live in the States and would be available to leave immediately to volunteer for an indefinite amount of time. I have lots of experience working with chilren, but would be willing to contribute any type of assistance required. Please let me know how I can help!
Email: danisad@hotmail.com
Hi, my name is Sara and I would like to volunteer for as long as necessary. I have set up or expanded businesses in India, Bangkok and Hongkong so I am proficient in logistics, coordination and accounting. I am 31, comfortable living out of a backpack and working extremely long hours. please contact me at: salasargasso@gmail.com
ready to go to any place in south asia ... speaking arabic english french german and some spanish and italian ...
depth diver .
computer pro.
00961 3 664872
located in Beirut - lebanon .
and have time to stay wherever .
Hussein .
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I am from the UK and currently in Hong Kong. I can be available immediately for a min 3weeks. I had planned to go to Phuket but any destintion is not a problem. I'm 28 with previous First aid experience and worked with children. I speak fluent English and Cantonese. Please let me know.
Many Thanks, Kate
Hi, I would like to volunteer as well. Based in London, UK.
Email me at: lisa_nash00@hotmail.com
Thanks and god bless
I am willing to fly out immediately and help where necessary. I have a degree in psychology and have worked organizing volunteers for years. I have travelled extensively and am available for any amount of time. Please e mail bethhalpern@yahoo.com with any information.
I am willing to fly out immediately and help where necessary. Located in the states, I have a degree in psychology and have worked organizing volunteers for years. I have travelled extensively and am available for any amount of time. Please e mail bethhalpern@yahoo.com with any information.
Hi, we would like to offer our help in the areas hit by the tsunamis. I have extensive experience in food service management, have supervised large staffs and built temporary kitchens and cafeterias. I also have an udergraduate degree in health science. My boyfriend was a timber framer and would be great at building temporary shelters, etc. He has an undergraduate degree in environmental science. Please contact us as soon as possible if we can be of any help.
If anyone else has information on helping out in the areas affected please email me at Tarizzo@yahoo.com
Thank you,
Tracy and Joe
im a house builder from Essex England and would like to help anywhere i can in asia,i would be able to pay all flights and stay for a 4 week period my email address is funkyskunk65@aol.com
I am willing to assist in any way possible either in the United Kingdom or abroad to assist those affected by the Tsunami disaster.
I have assisted in aide work in Bosnia during the conflict and will assist in this disaster any way I can.
I currently work for the British goverment and I am willing to take un-paid leave and pay for my flight to assist in the cost to the relief fund.
I am an American living in the Philippines and am available to help in Thailand Jan 15-29. Can also bring (some) supplies.
Can be reached at kgedmundson@yahoo.com
I live in the US and I am able to travel to South East Asia to assist in the relief efforts. Please contact me with information on how to do this.
I'd like to volunteer in any country, for up to 6 months. Email me at krbrunton@hotmail.com. I'm in california. Karen
please let me help, i am an LPN, experienced with children and families. i live in the seattle area, ready to go anytime and anywhere needed. please contact me--lindasun75@hotmail.com
Hello. My name is Farouk Sheikh and live in New York. I am 35 years old and healthy and well. I am avaialble for at least 30-60 days and am prepared to leave immeidately. I own my own businesses and have experience in managing people in a team environment, logistical organizational, international procurment and movement of goods and services and have been involved in new home construction in the US and in the developing world. [Masters degree in Property Valuation & Law]. Further, I have some EMT training and though I am not a doctor I do have an understanding of diseases and pathologies. Also, my understanding of local cultural and religious issues may be of some importance. Finally, having grown up in Kenya, East Africa, I understand how things work in developing countries and what motivates people to get things done. I am very keen and eager to help and may be contacted on +1 201 679 1169 or at farouk@investecpc.com . I am able to pay my own air fare, etc to get to wherever I am needed if necessary.
May God rest the souls of all those that have perished and help us save the lives of many more by our efforts.
Hello. My name is Farouk Sheikh and live in New York. I am 35 years old and healthy and well. I am avaialble for at least 30-60 days and am prepared to leave immeidately. I own my own businesses and have experience in managing people in a team environment, logistical organizational, international procurment and movement of goods and services and have been involved in new home construction in the US and in the developing world. [Masters degree in Property Valuation & Law]. Further, I have some EMT training and though I am not a doctor I do have an understanding of diseases and pathologies. Also, my understanding of local cultural and religious issues may be of some importance. Finally, having grown up in Kenya, East Africa, I understand how things work in developing countries and what motivates people to get things done. I am very keen and eager to help and may be contacted on +1 201 679 1169 or at farouk@investecpc.com . I am able to pay my own air fare, etc to get to wherever I am needed if necessary.
May God rest the souls of all those that have perished and help us save the lives of many more by our efforts.
Hi my name is Jeremy, I live in Ohio and my friend and I are willing to go to Asia to volunteer. If anyone has info about where to go, please email me or call Jeretab1@aol.com 440-884-7147 We are both in our late 20's and work in concrete construction. Our schedule is flexible until April.
I'm Gary from UK. I would like to offer 3-4 weeks voluntary work in any part of the affected region. No specialist skills, but strong, fit and healthy and willing to do anything, really. Will pay own expenses, can travel now, don't want to just show up and get in the way; anyone with information on how I might help please email g.s.taylor@btinternet.com
I live in the netherlands where I am a civil engineer. Surely I can be of use out there, And I really want to help!!!
Any contact info for groups headed from the Netherlands for relief work in one of the struck area's would be great!!!
Phone: 0031-651934363 (Cellphone)
Mail: Wilbert1978@hotmail.com
Hi. My name is Monica, Italian but living in Ireland, I'd like to ask one month leave from my work to volunteer anywhere in Asia in one of those areas affected by tsunami. I worked as a volunteer in my local parish youth club for some years and in Portugal in a homeless children house, I'd prefer working with children in need as I have some experience, but also anywhere else as I really want to give my help. My email address is monica_malez@yahoo.com Thank you!
Anonymous said :
Hi. I can also volunteer immediatly through April/May. If you need more help,I have practical and leadership experience.I will pay my own costs and have worked as a volunteer bereavement councilor. Located in PA/NJ area. rolfsa@ptd.net
I am a Flight Paramedic and a RN. I am willing to volunteer with releaf efforts. Contact me at jffmedic46@netzero.com
I am currently considering taking a year out from university in England to go and help the victims of the tsunami.
However, I would not be able to go until June 2005 and as a student don't have much money.
Could you please send me some details to
thebronsonite@yahoo.co.uk so that I can work out if this is feasible.
Available for at least one year.
Prefer to help in Thailand.
MBA and CPA.
30 years of business and education experience.
Please contact me at:
I would like to volunteer to help out. I am willing to do anything and to fly anywhere. I could stay for several months if necesary. I have experience with electronics and with managing projects. I also have some instructional experience and experience providng child care.
I can be emailed at toddsicklinger@aol.com
wanted to help in relief work as volunteer
email ; akshaybhartia@rediffmail.com
my name is trevor i am presently in kho phan-ang i have basic first aid skills and have worked as a care assistant for 10+ years i wish to come and help but are not sure which area needs the most help.
i can leave today.
please email me and tell me if/where my help is most needed.
I can drop everything tommorow and be on a plane for how everlong im needed and can turn my hand to anything.
27 year old male.
Hi, my name is Li Wong. I'm a student in Deerfield Academy which is in Massachusetts. I'm organizing a trip in which interested students could volunteer to go to a place affected by the Tsunami. Im hoping that the trip could take place during dpring break(march) of 2006. But so far im having trouble find a specific project that we could be involved in. Would you happen to know any projects suitable for high school trips. We could build schools, homes .. etc. If youcould email me at lwong@deerfield.edu, thatd be great!
Li Wong
My name is Sarah and I am in Chicago, USA. I am more then wiling to volunteer wherever I am needed most, doing whatever is needed most. Please PLease contact me. I am avaiable at 312-909-9112 or Beachbum584@yahoo.com
I live in Hong Kong and would like to volunteer together with my husband. We are ready to go at any time from 10Feb05 for as long as needed. We both speak fluent English and Cantonese as well as a bit of Japanese. We are willing to help with anything. We have worked with children, we can drive and I have a PADI license. PLease contact us (852)92014422 or e-mail to ladycoco@netvigator.com
Willing to help in Asia disaster relief effort, please contact me moman1458@netscape.net
yrs in Mechanical Engineering, supply chain management, and logistic.
Hello. My name is Asheesh Kumar. I am an Indo-American, currently in Washington, DC. I am getting ready to graduate from medical school, and have at least a month off. I would really want to go to India as a medical volunteer and help as much as I can. Please contact me as soon as possible at akumarmd@gwu.edu. Thank you!
Hi i am a 20 year old university student from America and I am very interested in traveling to South East Asia to help in the relief effort in any way i can please e-mail me; my address is tsarevna84@aol.com