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Wednesday, 29 December 2004

Indonesia Aid Information

Aid support for quake and tsunami in ACEH and NORTH SUMATRA (INDONESIA) can be delivered via:

1) Indosiar
Bank account in BCA, under the name of:
Indosiar: 001 - 304 - 0009

Bank account in BCA under the name of RCTI: 128 - 300 -7000

3) Coordinator of People Welfare Rep. of Indonesia
Bank account under the name of the Head of Welfare Bureau
Name: I Nyoman Meweh
Bank account in BNI Harmoni branch: 07 000 311 2717 911

4) Aid center in Halim Perdanakusuma and local Welfare Office

5) Telephone number for coordinator in Medan: 061 - 456 6524

Aids needed: Tents, Kitchen tools, Cemetery tools, Medicine, Baby foods, sanitary and other health goods for women, generator set, clothes, blankets, fresh water.

Source: Anonymous Poster in the Comments Section

Please use this Comments section to post your suggestions and information that you may have.
5 Comments Post a Comment
Blogger Robert said :

CNN Charity Links List

Wed Dec 29, 05:42:00 am IST  
Blogger MG said :

From Beyond Wallacia:

The Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia) has already sent 210 volunteers to Aceh to help in the evacuation process and to provide medical assistance in affected areas. The organization also will send food, body bags, tarpaulins and medicine to Aceh.

PMI has established a Help Aceh People bank account for donations at Bank BCA Menara Bidakara, SWIFT: CENAIDJA, account name: Kantor Pusat Palang Merah Indonesia, account number: 450.666.0009. For more details telephone +62 (0)21 799-2325 or email: pmi@palangmerah.org.

Wed Dec 29, 08:03:00 am IST  
Blogger Jakartass said :

Indonesia Help - http://indonesiahelp.blogspot.com/ - has been set up for Indonesia-specific links to organisations, offices etc. offering information about resources, aid and donations for quake and tsunami victims in Aceh & North Sumatra.

Wed Dec 29, 01:37:00 pm IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Dearest Geoffrey provided information from the PMI Palang Merah Indonesia (PMI Indonesian Red Cross). However the Account from Bank BCA Numbered 450-666-0009 is for Indonesian Rupiah currency. There is an account set by PMI for US Dollar donation transfers

Bank Mandiri Cabang Wisma Baja Jakarta Account Number 070-000202-7089 Account Name Indonesian Red Cross (Palang Merah Indonesia)

I recieved this information in email from Hadi Kuswoyo PR Ofiicer pmi@palangmerah.org www.palangmerah.org
+62-21-7992325 ext. 201/207 fax +62 21-7995188
the Item lacking for this account is the correct SWIFT code which I shall post ASAP for those interested
Peace and Many Blessings Kenn

Mon Jan 03, 08:42:00 pm IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hello again,

I spoke directly with Mr. Kuswoyo of PMI Palang Merah Indonesia in Jakarta this mornining and obtained the SWIFT code for the US Dollar account for the "help Aceh People" fund.
Provide this information to your bank for transfers.

Beneficiary Acct# 070-000202-7089
Name: Palang Merah Indonesia
Address: Indonesian Red Cross, National Office
Attn. Help Aceh People Tsunami disaster relief
Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 96
Jakarta, Indonesia 12790
Beneficiary Bank: Bank Mandiri
Address: Cabang (branch) Wisma Baja
Jakarta, Indonesia
Routing: SWIFT code B E I I I D J A

Contact: Mr Hudi Kuswoyo PR Officer
Tel +62 21 799 2325 ext. 201 or 207
Fax +62 21 799 5188

Generally it takes up to 3 business days to transfer from your bank to Mandiri. If the funds must travel through an intermidiary bank it takes a few days more.

Peace and Blessings,


Tue Jan 04, 11:23:00 pm IST