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Sunday, 9 January 2005

Bush lists ways the U.S. helps tsunami victims

President George W. Bush on Saturday offered a long list of ways the United States is trying to help victims of the deadly tsunami in South Asia.


In his radio remarks, Bush also encouraged Americans to continue giving generously out of their own pockets to private relief organizations -- singling out charities such as the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the Salvation Army
, Catholic Relief Services, Save the Children, CARE and AmeriCares as particularly reputable. He referred people to a White House Web site -- www.usafreedomcorps.gov -- for other suggestions.

[Ed. Links not in the original article]

Read the Full Article on CNN
11 Comments Post a Comment
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Yeah...AND? What if you dont want to give to christian charities. The Red Cross is marginal.

Sun Jan 09, 02:08:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Yeah...AND? What if you dont want to give to christian charities. The Red Cross is marginal.

Sun Jan 09, 02:08:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

What is wrong with you people? If you're concerned about where the money is going, do a little research on your own - charitynavigator.org rates charitable organizations by efficiency. If you don't want to donate to a Christian organization, how about American Jewish World Service or Islamic Relief Worldwide? Ever heard of Google? Try using it, you self-involved whining shitheads. Do you really think that people in Indonesia give a rat's ass whether the person helping them bury their child is Christian, or Jewish, or Muslim? Grow up.

Sun Jan 09, 04:18:00 am IST  
Blogger John Graeve said :

I think we should all demand that President Bush cancel his inauguration plans and give that 30-40 million to those Tsunami victims.

Sun Jan 09, 07:03:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Where would all these people that are suffering be WITHOUT THE U.S. ARMED FORCES?

How many people has the UN rescued - NONE

FED - None

Provided Water for - NONE

Meetings held by the UN - Hundreds!

The U.N. is USELESS and getting in the way!

The USS Lincoln with TWIN Nuclear Reactors is providing 400,000 gallons of water per DAY! Sailors are going without SHOWERS so the water can be used by people without any CLEAN water.

Some of you maggots need to grow up!

Sun Jan 09, 07:41:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Just b'cos the US prez is doing something right (after much public pressure) for a change, it means the world will have to kiss the grounds he walks on.

What the US is giving away is nothing compared to how much the US spent every week in destroying Afghanistan or Iraq, or the money the US makes in the arms trade every month.

Sun Jan 09, 07:29:00 pm IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I can see you never spent anytime in the U.S. Armed Forces. You also may not even be an American.

Since you are so ILL-INFORMED, here is something that, maybe, you MIGHT understand.

The USS Lincoln, largest US NAVAL SHIP, and its battle fleet, was ordered to assist by EARLY 27Dec04 and took off at FULL SPEED, way BEFORE all the IDIOTIC criticism even STARTED.

SO check the facts BEFORE making a fool out of yourself!

By the way: read this blog for a better understanding of the real situation:


A sample follows this post.


Mon Jan 10, 12:22:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

I see, however, no outpouring of support in most of the world's countries. The oil-rich Arabs? Where are they? But most frustrating and even angering is the lack of concern exhibited by average and elite members of the societies most directly affected. This was driven home in the course of an interminable meeting a few days ago discussing some silly resolution or another calling on the UN to appoint a "Special Representative for Tsunami Relief." A relatively senior Sri Lankan official leaned over and said to me, "Why do we want to bother with this? We all know you Americans will do everything." A nice compliment, I suppose, but on reflection a sad commentary not only about the rest of the world but presumably about Sri Lanka, itself. One would expect the affected countries to take the lead in relief efforts. None of the most seriously affected countries (Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Maldives) is a dirt poor country; all have well-established governments and national identities.

In Jakarta, aside from flags at half-staff, we have seen no signs of mourning for the victims: while employees and dependents of the American embassy spent their holiday loading trucks and putting together medicine kits, the city's inhabitants went ahead with New Year's parties; nightclubs and shopping centers are full; and regular television programming continues. At least 120,000 of their fellow countrymen are dead, and Indonesians hardly talk about it, much less engage in massive charitable efforts. The exceptionally wealthy businessmen of the capital -- and the country boasts several billionaires -- haven't made large donations to the cause of Sumatran relief; a few scattered NGOs have done a bit, but there are no well-organized drives to raise funds and supplies. We have seen nothing akin to what happened in the USA following the 9/11 atrocity, or the hurricanes in Florida of this past year.

The Sri Lankan's words echo in my mind every day, ""Why do we want to bother with this? We all know you Americans will do everything."

===From the diplomad blog===

Mon Jan 10, 12:31:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

can't we all just stop hating everyone!

what's wrong with all you people?

Mike - In California

Mon Jan 10, 04:21:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :

Hey! he's doing something good! A breakthrough!

On a more serious note, God help all the people who got hit.

Mon Jan 10, 04:56:00 am IST  
Anonymous Anonymous said :


I am (riteone) and I agree with you. There is entirely too much hate around the world and too little compassion.

My posts were meant to inform and not exacerbate the problem. Of ignorance, that is.

As a disabled USAF veteran, I do TAKE offense when people run down our country and our military. I do NOT find it amusing at all!


Mon Jan 10, 06:08:00 am IST