Local Aid in Chennai, India
Here's more information on what the locals in Chennai, India can do to help the relief efforts:
The Indian Red Cross Society has invited contributions in cash and kind for tsunami-affected families. Please contact 28554548/4425/4117/ 28586997.
People wanting to volunteer/ donate blankets, clothes, medicines, contact Community Development Centre, Madras Medical Mission, J.J. Nagar 26565920, extension 2032.
Exnora Clothes Bank is collecting new and used clothes for the affected people. Contact 28153377/ 24759477.
Clothes, medicines and cheques may be handed over to the Jesuit Residence, Loyola College.
Dr. Dathu Rao Memorial Charitable Trust is offering shelter around 30 to 40 children orphaned or abandoned after the calamity. Contact 24928366.
Mata Amritanandamayi Math is collecting rice, clothes, medicine and money. Contact 23764063/582, 22425736, 55175186.
To help affected persons in and around Neelangarai, contact Priya on 25506284.
The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development is collecting medicines, blankets, saris and vessels. Contact 9444183776/ 28218191/ 26428838/24941277.
Doctors offering free medical treatment: Dr. G. S. Kailaash, Srinivas Poly Clinic and Lab, 203, Kutcheri Road, Mylapore. Phone 52064051; Dr. K. R. Muthuswamy, Second Trust Main Road, Mandavelipakkam, Phone: 24951736; for free treatment of children: Dr. Chithra Kailaash (Phone 52064051); free medicare: M.K. Nursing Home, 25, R.S.M. Road, Old Washermenpet; Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottriyur; Venkateswara Hospital, 121 A, Chamiers Road, Nandanam, 52125212;
To report details on missing children contact Childline 1098 or Don Bosco Anbu Illam, 25352101/ 94440 31098.
The Indian Council for Child Welfare, Tamil Nadu, has set up a children's disaster relief fund, especially for those who have lost a parent, to meet their immediate needs and ensure there is no disruption in education. Contact 26260097/26282833.
Planet Yumm, Arun Ice Cream and Sangeetha Relief Centre are collecting blankets, clothes and utensils for victims at Thiruvarur. Contributions may be dropped in at their city outlets.
Employees of the Power Grid Corporation of India are supporting relief measures of the authorities. R. P. Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, announced a contribution of Rs. 45 lakhs to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and said the local units in States were arranging distribution of food and clothes.
Blankets needed
Krishnammal Jagannathan, secretary of the Land For Tillers Freedom, a voluntary organisation based in Nagapattinam district, said more blankets were required for the victims in the district and appealed to the people to send them either to the LAFTI, Vinoba Ashram, Kuthur - 611 105, Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu. Phone: 04366-275443 and 275540. E-mail: laftitngsm@yahoo.co.in) or Udhavum Ullangal, Memorial School Campus, 2 Guild Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600017. Mobile: 94441-97473).
Source: The Hindu
The Indian Red Cross Society has invited contributions in cash and kind for tsunami-affected families. Please contact 28554548/4425/4117/ 28586997.
People wanting to volunteer/ donate blankets, clothes, medicines, contact Community Development Centre, Madras Medical Mission, J.J. Nagar 26565920, extension 2032.
Exnora Clothes Bank is collecting new and used clothes for the affected people. Contact 28153377/ 24759477.
Clothes, medicines and cheques may be handed over to the Jesuit Residence, Loyola College.
Dr. Dathu Rao Memorial Charitable Trust is offering shelter around 30 to 40 children orphaned or abandoned after the calamity. Contact 24928366.
Mata Amritanandamayi Math is collecting rice, clothes, medicine and money. Contact 23764063/582, 22425736, 55175186.
To help affected persons in and around Neelangarai, contact Priya on 25506284.
The Indian Doctors for Peace and Development is collecting medicines, blankets, saris and vessels. Contact 9444183776/ 28218191/ 26428838/24941277.
Doctors offering free medical treatment: Dr. G. S. Kailaash, Srinivas Poly Clinic and Lab, 203, Kutcheri Road, Mylapore. Phone 52064051; Dr. K. R. Muthuswamy, Second Trust Main Road, Mandavelipakkam, Phone: 24951736; for free treatment of children: Dr. Chithra Kailaash (Phone 52064051); free medicare: M.K. Nursing Home, 25, R.S.M. Road, Old Washermenpet; Sugam Hospital, Tiruvottriyur; Venkateswara Hospital, 121 A, Chamiers Road, Nandanam, 52125212;
To report details on missing children contact Childline 1098 or Don Bosco Anbu Illam, 25352101/ 94440 31098.
The Indian Council for Child Welfare, Tamil Nadu, has set up a children's disaster relief fund, especially for those who have lost a parent, to meet their immediate needs and ensure there is no disruption in education. Contact 26260097/26282833.
Planet Yumm, Arun Ice Cream and Sangeetha Relief Centre are collecting blankets, clothes and utensils for victims at Thiruvarur. Contributions may be dropped in at their city outlets.
Employees of the Power Grid Corporation of India are supporting relief measures of the authorities. R. P. Singh, Chairman and Managing Director, announced a contribution of Rs. 45 lakhs to the Prime Minister's Relief Fund and said the local units in States were arranging distribution of food and clothes.
Blankets needed
Krishnammal Jagannathan, secretary of the Land For Tillers Freedom, a voluntary organisation based in Nagapattinam district, said more blankets were required for the victims in the district and appealed to the people to send them either to the LAFTI, Vinoba Ashram, Kuthur - 611 105, Nagapattinam district, Tamil Nadu. Phone: 04366-275443 and 275540. E-mail: laftitngsm@yahoo.co.in) or Udhavum Ullangal, Memorial School Campus, 2 Guild Street, T.Nagar, Chennai 600017. Mobile: 94441-97473).
Source: The Hindu
I'm also sad of what had happened in India.
In Aceh, Indonesia, Tsunami has destroyed houses, thousands of people dead.
I hope no more natural disasters like this in the future in any part of the world.