UNICEF Offices and Contact numbers
All UNICEF offices in the region have been mobilized to support relief efforts. Emergency supplies are on stand-by at the UNICEF global supply hub in Copenhagen and relief flights can be launched at any hour.
UNICEF press officers coordinating information and interviews:
Martin Dawes, for India, Sri Lanka and Maldives: (977-1) 417-082 x222 mdawes@unicef.org
Shantha Bloemen, for Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia: (66-2) 356-9407 sbloemen@unicef.org
Damien Personnaz, UNICEF Geneva: (41-22) 909-5716 dpersonnaz@unicef.org
Alfred Ironside, UNICEF HQ, New York: (1-212) 326-7261 aironside@unicef.org
UNICEF press officers coordinating information and interviews:
Martin Dawes, for India, Sri Lanka and Maldives: (977-1) 417-082 x222 mdawes@unicef.org
Shantha Bloemen, for Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia: (66-2) 356-9407 sbloemen@unicef.org
Damien Personnaz, UNICEF Geneva: (41-22) 909-5716 dpersonnaz@unicef.org
Alfred Ironside, UNICEF HQ, New York: (1-212) 326-7261 aironside@unicef.org
Reconstruction proposal - moladi South Africa
Good morning
Our sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones. We are eager to assist to help the survivors in rebuilding their lives, starting with their homes. There is a massive need to rebuild the homes devastated by the tsunamis that caused widespread destruction in parts of South Asia and East Africa.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce moladi and to bring to your attention the advantages of our building system. moladi can be used as a vehicle to assist and offer humanitarian relieve to countries that have suffered widespread destruction as is now the case in South Asia and East Africa and generate job opportunities. moladi is based in Port Elizabeth and a global supplier of a quality fast track building technology used in many countries.
Please visit our website at www.moladi.com to check the advantages that warrant moladi being awarded the prestigious South African Bureau of Standards Design Award and how you, your organization and communities can benefit from this Technology.