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Friday, 31 December 2004

Guidelines for working with separated children: Psychosocial Responses to the Sri Lankan Tsunami Disaster

From the Blog of the Psychosocial Support Program, Sri Lanka

The following is a draft set of guidelines compiled by the Psychosocial Support Programme of the IWTHI Trust (Tel: +94-11-4516408/+94-11-4515279; Email: pspcp@eol.lk)on 31st December 2004. The primary reference document from which this information was summarised was Separated Children: Care and Protection of Children in Emergencies A Field Guide. Save the Children Federation 2004. Please send comments or additions to these draft guidelines via the link at the bottom of this POST - or via email to the above address. These guidelines will be revised or updated as information comes in from other agencies active on the ground in Sri Lanka.

 For children, relationships with a significant adult (a family member, teacher, aunt etc.) are very important. Being able to trust at least one adult who can take care of them can pull them through stressful times.

 It is not always the event that can have a psychological and emotional impact on the child, but the lack of emotional support, separation from parents or family, taken out of familiar context and community, and grief and distress of parents and adults.

 Do not remove or separate children from family members. Do not separate siblings. If family members are missing try to keep the child with someone he/she knows and trusts and support that caregiver and child.

 Identify informal care systems that exist in the community (relatives or neighbours taking care of children), and find out if traditional care systems have been affected by crises/disaster.

 Moving a child from such informal care arrangements provided by the community or other family members could bring additional distress. A child should be moved only if the assessment shows that the child is suffering from emotional or physical abuse, exploitative labour, neglect, poor care or abandonment from these new care givers.

 Provide economic, social and emotional support to these informal arrangements so that the child can remain in familiar surroundings and within relationships that they trust.

 Children should be informed of care arrangements and be consulted in decision-making processes about their care.

 Be honest and open about the disaster. Don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know” and keep discussions about the their experiences open and honest.

 In cases of children being separated from family members or siblings collect as much information as possible from the child, from the people the child was found with, and relatives/friends/school teachers. Give this information to groups documenting and working on missing people. If possible take a photograph of the child and attach to the file.

 It is important to document all possible information as soon as the child is found. Please register separated children immediately with relevant government authorities such as child probation officers and local police stations. Measures are currently underway by Probation & Childcare and National Child Protection Authories to support tracing and care for such children. Registering children is ESSENTIAL for successful care in the coming days and weeks. More information on these measures will be provided as soon as they are available. Record the following information: Name and pet name(whatever the child remembers), Age, Sex, Address or Village name, Names of family members, relatives (in the area and outside the area), friends and neighbours, Name of school, occupation of parents, where the child is located currently and where he/she may be moved.

 Before moving the child anywhere, show the child to adults and children from the area that may recognise him/her.

 Establish a location where adults can also provide information about missing children and maintain detailed database on this.

 If children are being moved for some unavoidable reason provide children with identity tags (with the above information), provide drivers of vehicles transporting children with rosters of names and other details of children, register children in location they are being moved from and give clear information about where they are being moved to. At all times, attempt to keep children close to their homes or at least within a major town in the district.

 Try to involve older children and adolescents in activities carried out in the camp/displaced community – such as distributing goods, documenting information, caring for younger children etc.

 All notices and information provided should be in simple language so that a child of 12 years can understand and follow it.

 Be sensitive to special needs or adolescent girl children, such as menstruation, special clothing and undergarments, toilet facilities and safety.

 Try to maintain a daily routine (however basic such as regular eating and sleeping times) for the child as much as possible.

 If someone comes to claim a child, make sure that the child is able to identify the person. In all cases, take down information (ID number, address, contact details) of the person claiming the child prior to handing the child over. Remember that some people may be trying to take advantage of the situation to exploit such vulnerable children.

 Normal stress reactions when faced with crises situations or disasters:

 Anxiety, sleeplessness, grief, shock, emotio nal numbness or expression is part of any normal human response. Important: These are normal and expected reactions from children and should not be treated as a major psychological trauma or pathological reactions needing professional help.

 Respect children’s responses and allow them time and opportunities to express them in a way that they are comfortable with.

 Attend to immediate needs of the children and be supportive.

 Be sensitive to children with special needs, such as children with disabilities.

 Be kind, calm, and attempt to explain everything that is being done, even if you are not sure that the child/children understand you.

From the Blog of the Psychosocial Support Program, Sri Lanka

Draft Guidelines For The Media On Reporting On The Tsunami Disaster

From the Blog of the Psychosocial Support Program, Sri Lanka

The following draft guidelines have been provided to the Psychosocial Support Programme of the IWTHI Trust (Tel: +94 11 4516408/ + 94 11 4515279; Email: pspcp@eol.lk/ pspdat@eol.lk). Please feel free to send in comments via email or the link provided below. The guidelines will be updated as we receive comments or additional insights from those active on the ground in Sri Lanka.

# Remember that the disaster is a national issue so that partisan or other vested interests must not be considered in reporting and/or commentary…

# Remember that the disaster is regional in scope so that the relief, reconstruction and rehabilitation work must be placed in context when reporting and/or commenting…

# Remember that the disaster is international in the attention it has and will receive so that reporting and/or commenting will reflect the state of the nation, affect its national developmental agenda, and impact the responses of the global community in crucial matters of aid and relief…

# Report and/or comment responsibly, reasonably and fairly keeping in mind not to sensationalise, speculate or generalise…

# Report and/or comment equitably keeping in mind that the people affected are from all races, religions, communities and geographical areas…

# Report and/or comment accurately yet positively keeping in mind the critical and crucial role that the media can play in the national effort to restore, reconstruct and rehabilitate Sri Lanka…

# Report and/or comment sensitively keeping in mind that lives have been lost, livelihoods irreparably damaged, property irrevocably lost and future prospects inestimably compromised…

# Reporting and/or comment with an emphasis of expectation that normal recovery will eventually take place for communities that have been affected – keeping in mind that emphasising losses will increase the sense of hopelessness and despair that people feel…

# Report and/or comment in ways that are reassuring and empathic about people and their current situations – keeping in mind that people are normally expected to exhibit stress reactions at this time; as also that being confused, sad and anxious are natural signs of shock and stress… as are crying, screaming or anger; and also that these are not signs of psychiatric impact or trauma…

# Report and/or comment humanely keeping in mind that people in these circumstances may still retain a sense of hope and humour, and may be active in reorganising their lives; as also that it is not a sign of ignorance or indifference if people who are affected smile or appreciate what they do have left…

# Report and/or comment while being mindful of human dignity while remaining sensitive and aware of the repercussions of depicting mutilated and decomposed bodies, as family members of the deceased who may view these in the media could be further distressed…

# Resolve to be sensitive in interviewing people keeping in mind not to ask them unnecessary personal questions, or force them to talk; as also allowing them to share what they would like to, even if it doesn’t make ‘good copy’…

Provided to the PSP of the IWTHI Trust by a Journalist who wishes to remain anonymous

31st December 2004

From the Blog of the Psychosocial Support Program, Sri Lanka

AID India hosts a website for volunteer registration - Interested Please Register

AID India has hosted a web page for volunteers where they can provide their contact and experience details.

If you are a interested volunteer please register at:

Finding Information in the Blog

There have been tons of information being posted on this blog so if you are looking for specific information, use the search facility on the Upper Right Corner of this page.

To help find information better, we have created Wikis. They are better organized and categorized into Aid Agencies, Missing & Found, Health & Safety etc.

If you would like to volunteer yourself for the relief work, we are running a sister blog TsunamiHelpNeeded.Blogspot.com where you can find people who are looking for help and get in touch with them. If you are someone who need help, we are running a sister blog TsunamiHelpOffered.BlogSpot.com where we can post your information. For find Missing people, go to our sister blog TsunamiMissing.BlogSpot.com. For helplines/enquires go to our sister blog TsunamiEnquiry.BlogSpot.com. For news updates, our sister blog is TsunamiUpdates.BlogSpot.com.

Suggestions/Links go here. Your questions/info to the bloggers go here.

We are being swamped with offers to volunteer with our blog and Wiki. We can't thank you enough for all the offers. We are unable to respond to all of them. We will contact you if your help is needed. Please visit our volunteer Getting Started Wiki before you contact us.

How is Somalia tackling Tsunami? - Updates

Courtesy : Somali Net

Somalia:UN agencies appeal for help for tsunami-affected communities

Somali leaders plan relief fund

U.N. Struggles to Get Aid to Somali Town

200 killed, 50,000 displaced in Somalia due to tidal waves

UN Fills The Vacuum in Somalia - No Working Govt in Somalia

Somalia wave victims 'forgotten' by international community

Tsunami devastates Somali

Please add comments if there are any specific funds or aid agencies which are contributing to the relief work in somalia.

If you have any info on specific ways in helping somalian tsunami victions
please post you suggestion here

Update on Sri Lanka's Impact: TRO

TRO has a detailed report on the status of aid efforts in LTTE held areas in Sri Lanka:











Rescue Operation Continuing





Rescue Operation Continuing





Rescue Operation Continuing





Rescue Operation Continuing





Rescue Operation Continuing





Rescue Operation Continuing





Report From Cuddalore district - Bhoomika Trust

Reported By Vanniarajan Chellappan (vrajan@cisco.com)

Volunteers of Bhoomika Trust had visited Parangipettai and surrounding areas of Cuddalore district on 29th/30th December. We visited several hamlets like Devanampattinam, Pachaiankuppam, Selambimankalam and a few villages on the road to Parangipettai. Some observations:

· By this time state government officials - revenue, public health and police have been able to reach out to these areas and establish relief operations

· There is a glut of some unwanted relief material like used clothes which is piling up in large quantities with no use for it
· In general a large number of organizations, both government and NGOs are in the field without a formal co-ordination mechanism to optimize the relief efforts
· There is shortage of essentials like basic medicines, as well as food rations for families in some areas.
· The ground situation changes dynamically by the hour, which poses a real challenge in effectively providing relief to the affected people. A lot of volunteers are required on a dedicated basis to co-ordinate activities between different organizations and manage the situation
· Revenue officials have a good idea on the immediate requirements of the affected families, and it will be a good idea for NGOs to co-ordinate efforts thru them.
· Media reporting is somewhat negative and needs to be more constructively focused on ensuring relief and rehabilitation reaches people in an effective way. Television channels can do a lot more in this respect.
· We talked to Mr.Gnanaparakasam, Tahsildar who provided us with details of Ration/Kitchen kits required by each family. He informed us that the government has plans to provide such kits. NGOs can help by coordinating with revenue officials in each taluk/block/panchayat to make for gaps in the government efforts. Details:

Ration kit
Thoor Dhall,Mustard Seeds,Tea,Chilly Powder,Tamarind,Salt
Palm Oil,Sugar,Rice,Potato,Onion,Turmeric,Masala Powder

Kitchen kit
Food plate,Tumbler,Rice ladle,Sambar ladle
Small Ladle,Knife,Rice pot,Rice pot lid,Sambar pot
Sambar pot lid,Water pot, Water Cans,Jerry can,Stove,Kerosene,Matches

Toilet kit
Soap,Washing soap,Toothpowder,Toothbrush,



TAMILNADU.(DIRECTIONS: At the 5 road Royapettah junction, take the Ehrlich Laboratory Road and turn on the 2nd right)
Phone:+91 44-52041505 Fax : +91 44-52060761 Email: bhoomikaindia@yahoo.co.in
Web: www.tsunami-india.org HOTLINE: 9840082793

Appeal from Voluntary Health Association, Kanayakumari

-- Below is an Appeal from VHA, Kanyakumari
Source : Charity Focus

Dear Friend,

Greetings to you

This is from Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari, VHAK, an NGO working among children, adolescents, women, youth and grownups in Kanyakumari district since 1994. Since then, it has formed and strengthened more than 7,000 neighbourhood parliaments among these groups.

The tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 has devastated many coastal villages in Kanyakumari district. The villages Collachel, Kottilpadu, Manakudy, Alikal, Pillaithope, Muttom and Kanyakumari are the most affected villages in this district. The entire village of Kottilpadu, Pillaithope and Alikal have been washed out. The people themselves are involved in removing the dead bodies and helping the people find out their loved ones both alive and dead. In Muttom Parish almost 365 houses were washed out, 42 bodies recovered, 20 more missing and a loss of 12 crores. In Colachel, Kottilpadu village the death toll is still rising. There is very less involvement from the Government be it in removing the debris or recovering the bodies from the rubble.

The children’s parliaments that functioned in the coastal villages have either lost their precious members or the members have lost their parents and become orphans. Almost 70 % of the dead were children.

The district administration is not well-equipped and trained to cope with this sort of calamities. As a result, they are in a state of stalemate whereupon they do not know what to do. It is the NGOs who are working hard to do some relief activities among the affected people. VHAK is one among them.

At present, on a short term basis, the staff and the volunteers of VHAK, numbering more than 500 would like to involve in undertaking emergency relief measures like medical help, supply food and clothing and temporary shelters.

We would like to obtain your cooperation in this respect in the form of financial assistance. Please let us know your response at the earliest time possible.

Please visit our website to confirm.

The amount could be sent to:

Voluntary Health Association of Kanyakumari (VHAK),

28, Kesari Street,
Nagercoil - 629 001
Kanyakumari dist., Tamilnadu

Bank details:
Account No: 397
Indian Overseas Bank
Vetturnimadam – 1043
Nagercoil – 629 003
Kanyakumari dist.,

May we hear from you.

Thanking you,

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Sr.Mercy Palatty,

India - Situation Report XII

Situation Report 12 was released today at 16oo HRS Indian Standard Time.

Information has been updated, and rescue and relief measures of the GO India have been outline.

FCRA for Indian organisations

For organisations wanting to source funds from outside India, please see the FCRA clearance guidelines as released by the Ministry of Home Affairs as released today.

Relief Coordination Meeting in Tamilnadu - NGOs Meet

Source : Charity Focus

A major coordination meeting among several NGOs that have come together to coordinate relief efforts in Tamil Nadu (TN) will take place this SUNDAY, January 2, at 9:30am in Chennai. The details are summarized below by Raju and Geetha Rajagopal, members of Indians for Collective Action (ICA):

1. Several groups have come together here in Chennai, including ICA and AID [Association for India's Development], the corporates, Banyan, some people from IIT, other citizens of Chennai, etc, with Bhoomika Trust and AID coordinating. We intend today to touch base with ActionAid and we are already connected with efforts in Bangalore, Trichy, etc. We are DIRECTLY working with the leaders of the fishing community in the South. We are also in touch with what is going on in Andaman/Nicobar islands (somewhat).

2. The latest needs in TN are attached from the notes of yesterday’s meeting here(see below).

3. Please direct $ donations to ICA (which will come to Bhoomika Trust) or to AID (which will directly come to AIDers in Tamilnadu who have been doing a fantastic job in South TN and have themselves lost volunteers to the sea.)

4. $ donations should be earmarked for Earthquake-Tsunami Relief/Rehabilitation, giving us the flexibility to use for the medium term rehab efforts

5. A major meeting is being coordinated for Sunday 2nd. Jan at Chennai to discuss Rehab from the point of view of both Livelihood and Counseling Needs. It will be conducted by Dr. Lakshmi Ravikanth of Bhoomika, Dr. Prashantham of Christian Counseling Center of Vellore, Sushma Iyengar and Binoy Chatterje from Gujarat, who will have toured the South and may join us, reps from the fishing community, perhaps people from NIMHANS, NGOs from the south will join us.

If you know of anyone interested in this important effort, please direct them to the following address:
REAL IMAGE, 7B, 3rd Street,
Balaji Nagar, Chennai
Time: 9:30 am Date: Jan 2, 2005.

More Information : here

Appeal for Tsunami Victims in North Eastern Srilanka - Trousa, USA

Tamils Rehabilitation Organization, USA Appeals for Urgent
Help for Tsunami Victims in Northeastern Sri Lanka

Cumberland, MD – December 29, 2004 -- Northeastern Sri Lanka is one of
the worst affected area from Tsunamis. Death toll there now has reached
7,660 and is expected to increase. About eleven thousand has been admitted
with injuries. Nearly half million people are displaced. People of
Northeastern Sri Lanka who was affected the most by two decade of civil war

in SriLanka was left with no resources to cope with this unprecedented death
and destruction.

The northeastern coastline areas that took the brunt of the Tsunamis in
Sri Lanka are remote and predominantly within rebel held territories.
The local reports from independent news organizations and social welfare
organizations indicate that no external help has reached the affected
area. New York Times reported that Lalith Weerathunga, Secretary to
the Prime Minister, who is now heading the relief efforts in Sri Lanka
stated that he does not know what is going on in the northeast. Associated
Press today reported, citing international relief agency sources, that
SriLankan government officials have blocked passage of relief supplies.
Much of the international aid that is being poured into Sri Lanka is
expected to be channeled through the Government of Sri Lanka and
past experience suggest very little will reach the northeastern.
A member of the SriLankan parliament accused the Sri Lankan
government for “callously ignoring” the plights of the
people in Northeast.

Tamils Rehabilitation Organization, USA is working with local
organizations in Sri Lanka including the Sri Lankan charity TRO to
provide urgent relief work. Hundreds of temporary shelters have been set up by
TRO and urgent medical supplies are being dispatched. Team of
volunteer doctors is arriving in Northeast within next few days. As much of the
immediate medical and other relief supplies are available in local
market, monetary donations are most useful in the short term. We appeal the
American community to generously contribute to our Tsunami Relief Fund
as well as by donating medical and other essential supplies. Items that
are needed urgently include:

1. Medical supplies (Pain relievers, Antibiotics, Dressings, Suture
material, Disposable syringes)
2. Water purification tablets
3. Temporary shelters
4. Portable generators

TRO officials and board of directors are available for interview with
the media. Please use the contact information above for scheduling.

About Tamils Rehabilitation Organization, USA: Tamils Rehabilitation
Organization, USA was formed at the height of civil war in 1995 to help
civilians affected by the war in Sri Lanka. The organization has
funded various rehabilitation projects in the Northeastern Sri Lanka through
local charities and other social organization including children
orphanages and home for the elderly. Tamils Rehabilitation
Organization is a US IRS approved 501c3 charitable organization.

M. Sritharan
Secretary, Tamils Rehabilitation Organization
517 Old Town Road, Cumberland MD 21502, USA
(301) 320 6344

Coping with recovery of bodies

Recovery of Dead Bodies - How to Cope

"One consequence of humanitarian and recovery operations is coming in contact with bodies of people that have died under tragic or horrible circumstances. ..... "

Guidelines on rescue work. Very useful and crucial for volunteers.

Undertaking storm and water damage operations

Undertaking storm and water damage operations

Assessment of situation, preparing for response and other useful pointers.

Waves Of Hope

The accompanying image should tell you who are TIME magazine's People Of The Year - Bloggers. We're also trying to set up a citizen-reporting news service out of Sri Lanka so that accurate information is available to aid workers. The info can be sent through SMS or internet based reports.

Email: info@wavesofhope.org

Help us do this:

Do you know ANYONE down in Sri Lanka? Send them this URL. (www.wavesofhope.org) Ask them to contribute eye-witness acounts, warnings, accurate information that they consider crucial to relief work.


NOTE: This has nothing to do with another Tsunami warning so people in other countries need not worry.

It's been raining in the Easter Coast of Sri Lanka since morning. There are flood warnings for the Batticaloa and Amparai Districts. There is a CONFIRMED report that Valachchenai in the Batticaloa district is already under 3 feet of water. Aid convoys heading to Batticaloa have to pass over the Manampitiya bridge and the Valachchenai area. All aid convoys to the area must be held back at the Manampitiya bridge at least. Efforts to evacuate the over 3000 refugees who have been living in Valachchenai for the past 5 days are going on.

Further south, in Kalmunai in Amparai District too it has been raining since morning. If it continues for any longer floods are expected there too. Evacuation activities are underway.

MSF in Jakarta

Any doctors or people with medical training wanting to help MSF should send their CV to the following address.
All volunteers must be interviewed in person before being accepted.
Medecins Sans Frontieres Belgium (MSF B) - Indonesia
Jln. Kemang Utara No. 32
Tel. + 62 - 21 - 719 5947
Fax. + 62 - 21 - 719 5948
E-mail : msfb-jakarta@msf.be

Alex Ryan, Thanks for the information.

Malaysia To Send Shipload Of Aid To Sumatra Tsunami Survivors

Royal Malaysian Navy ship KD Mahawangsa will leave for Acheh Saturday bearing humanitarian aid for survivors of the earthquake and tsunami that devastated northern Sumatra.

"Anyone wishing to make contributions in kind for the Sumatra victims can contact the Defence Ministry," he told reporters after receiving contributions totalling RM1 million for the Malaysian Tsunami Victims Fund Friday.

They may contact Lt Rosdi Muhamad at 012-303 2607
and Lt Commander Muhammad Mohsin Mohd Sidek at 012-515 2977. The ship is expected to leave from Port Klang at 4pm Saturday.

Source: Bernama

Site helping people trying to get to their missing friends and relatives

Asian Quake- Missing persons search site


This information needs to get out now. It has been raining since 5 a.m. in the Baticaloa District and the valachchenai Area has started flooding. THIS IS A CONFIRMED REPORT.

All aid convoys and vehicles travelling to the area MUST STOP. There is no more access to batticaloa over the Manampitiya bridge. Over 3000 people who had been living in the area as refugees for the past 5 days are being evacuated.

Overhead costs of international relief organisations

Karthik has a list of international organizations for disaster relief that he has segregated by overhead costs.

Below, I've highlighted in blue those organizations with less than a 10% overhead rate, and in orange those organizations above the 10% mark, but that may still be worthy of your consideration. For instance, the Doctors Without Borders organization has a high overhead rate, but presumably this is because it's more expensive to have doctors on staff than other kinds of disaster relief workers. Still, their website does not have as much transparency as one would like, in terms of how and where they spend their money. Also, Oxfam also has a high overhead rate -- again, making me curious why this is so. Some, like Save the Children were a surprising find (not one of the 'usual suspects' that people had emailed me about). Apparently, they had the "largest international organization presence" in the Aceh Province when the tsunami hit (see their web site below). Also, note that AmeriCares has one of the lowest overhead rate, at 1.5%.

Read more here.

U.S. Attorney General Offers Tips For Donors

  • The state attorney general's office is warning Californians to be wary of people soliciting money for the victims of Asia's tsunamis, and has offered tips for people who want to donate.
  • Be informed about the charity and how it will spend the money, reports Nathan Barankin, spokesman for the attorney general. Information about a charity's operations and expenditures can be obtained by searching the attorney general's online database for a charity's financial reports.
  • Refuse high-pressure appeals by solicitors claiming to represent charities. Legitimate charities do not use those types of tactics to get donations.
  • Californians should always ask for written information about the charity's mission, how the donation will be used and proof that the contribution is tax-deductible. Not all donations to charities and nonprofit organizations can be deducted from one's taxes.
  • Scam artists might tell donors that they will receive a "tax I.D. number" or a receipt for their records to try to convince them that they are a legitimate charity, but a credit card statement or canceled check is enough for tax purposes if a donation is less than $250. Large donations require a properly worded receipt from the charity to confirm the donation.
  • Consumers should call the charity directly. Money should never be given immediately to door-to-door solicitors or by mail.
  • Groups that offer to pick up a monetary donation should be regarded with suspicion. Legitimate charities will always have an official address.
  • Consumers should also watch out for scam artists using names that sound similar to those of legitimate charities.
  • Donations to charities should never be in cash, for tax and security reasons.

    There are alternative ways to donate to a charity besides providing money. Donations can be given in charitable gift annuities, in-kind gifts and endowments. Many charities also accept volunteer work.

    Source: NBC News

Jaycees of Mayiladuthurai (Mayavaram, Tamil Nadu) Needs Medicines

--- Posted by a Blog Reader ----

Jaycees of Mayiladuthurai (Mayavaram) in Tanjore Dt are involved in Tsunami Relief Work at Poompuhar, Chidambaram and other nearby coastal areas. Refugee Camps are being run in Mayiladuthurai for the displaced victims. There is an urgent need to provide medicines at various camps. Jaycees volunteers will assist in distribution. We welcome assistance from NGOs and Pharama companies. Contact : Mr A S Ravindiran (Mob : 09345061022) or Mr V Raman (Mob : 09443134855). Jaycees can also assist corporates and NGOs to carry out Relief Work in the nearby areas to ensure benefits reach the victims.

Death, Injury and Survivors Lists in Thailand

Missing People- Thailand

I got to this site from NBC:
I did a search on missing people from Denmark and got 15 responses.

Here is the link: Missing People in Thailand

From All Corners, a Rush to Get Clean Drinking Water to Survivors in Stricken Areas

Tanker trucks, bottled water, pumps, disinfecting kits and clean jugs are being rushed to regions struck by the tsunami in hopes of providing what survivors most urgently need: safe drinking water.

A lot of homegrown solutions are happening. Private donors of all kinds are driving in with bottled water, especially in Sri Lanka and India.

An expert in water sanitation from the World Health Organization has arrived in the Maldives to help determine the best way to restore safe water supplies, said Dr. Pino Annunziata, a member of the organization's emergency response team. He said that rainfall there would help to flush the salt out of the wells, but added that rain could also create stagnant pools of fresh water where mosquitoes could breed and spread malaria, which is already prevalent in many of the devastated areas.

Dr. David Nabarro, the director of crisis operations for the World Health Organization, said that a shipment of bottled water was being flown to the Maldives from Britain. He said the organization had been offered the use of a commercial plane heading from Manchester to Mali and had elected to fill the plane with water.

Source: The New York Times

Half of the FTSE 100 establish relief operations

The article on Times, UK, talks about the relief operations and contributions of the following companies:
The, Vodafone Group, HSBC, Pearson, Legal & General, Cairn Energy, the Edinburgh oil and gas company, BP, Shell, Next, J Sainsbury, Dixons, British American Tobacco, Scottish Power, City of Glasgow, John Lewis Partnership, Lloyds TSB, Royal Bank of Scotland, HBOS, Anglo American, BHP Billiton, BAE Systems, Imperial Tobacco, GUS, Reckitt Benckiser, mmO2, Rio Tinto and GE Healthcare.

Source: Times, UK

Urgent Needs in Sri Lanka

List of Items urgently required for Relief work.

Request for Medical Supply for GH Vavuniya Emergency needs for Affected Communities
Drugs Requirements (Vavuniya)
MoH Compiled List of Drugs Urgently Required

Source: National Disaster Management Center. The site also has details on assessments and nodal agencies coordinating relief in Sri Lanka.

Urgent Need for tents- Sri Lanka

A village of 30 families living in Kosgoda (District Galle) amounting to 80 people are in dire need of shelter. There is an urgent need of adequate number of tents. A group of young people from Leo Burnett will visit them on the 29th December with all collected material to help them re start their shattered lives.

Please contact Ms Mantri on 0-11 4406163

Source: National Disaster Management Center, Sri Lanka

Aid gets to Aceh. Coordination is the critical need.

Excerpts from an article in Jakarta Post
And it's not as if help is not forthcoming.

Relief supplies sent from national and foreign organizations and governments are reaching the Banda Aceh airport. In fact, supplies are literally piling up there by the ton. But they are not being distributed quickly to the intended targets.

Take the issue of burying tens of thousands of dead as an example.

There aren't enough workers left in these areas to bury the dead. Many Acehnese are either too stricken by grief to do anything because they have lost loved ones, or simply too weak as they have been without food, clean water and medicines.

Bringing in volunteers from outside requires good coordination. They have to bring their own tents to sleep in, and their own food. They cannot eat rations intended for victims or use the limited number of tents available in the area.

And they need heavy equipment, like cranes, to bury the dead en mass.

Then, there is the question of the lack of trucks to take relief supplies from the airport to the people. And even if there were enough trucks available, there is not enough fuel to run them. And then there is the question of clearing roads of debris before they become passable.

Whose job is it then to coordinate the relief operation?

The Aceh provincial administration and its structure were decimated. It is estimated that only half of the administration's employees in Banda Aceh survived the tragedy. And most government offices in Banda Aceh were destroyed.

Without a government structure in place, coordination becomes almost non-existent.

Another sign of poor coordination was the question of permits for foreign relief agencies to operate in Aceh. By invoking national disaster status, the government effectively opens the way for these groups to send aid directly to Aceh. Jusuf Kalla reaffirmed this, but yet another lower ranking official insisted that they must all obtain permits from the government, which can take two weeks or more to issue.

Source: Jakarta Post

Aid Organizations- Helping Survivors- BBC

A partial list compiled from BBC
The Disasters Emergency Committee - www.dec.org.uk - is an umbrella group of UK aid organisations - including Action Aid, British Red Cross and Oxfam - working to provide clean water, food and shelter to thousands. To call from the UK, dial 0870 60 60 900.

Save the Children - www.savethechildren.org.uk - has already flown a plane out to Sri Lanka carrying plastic sheeting for temporary shelter, tents to run children's services from and essentials such as clothing and cooking utensils.

The Hindu Forum Disaster Relief Task Force - www.hinduforum.org - comprises 50 organisations and is raising money, clothes and medicines. Donations can be made online or by calling the ISKCON Disaster Appeal on 01923 856848 or Sewa International on 0116 261 0303.

Source: The larger list of agencies from BBC

Auroville rallies to help Pondicherry fisherfolk

"What we need," one team member said, "is approximately Rs 50,000 (about $1,000) to rebuild a house, Rs 100,000 (about $2,000) for a boat with an engine and another Rs 100,000 for fishing nets. Thus a total of Rs 250,000 (about $5,000) per affected family. We have taken charge of 225 families in our area. It is a lot of money."

Transparency was ensured by creating an accounting team and channeling funds through two newly created accounts in Auroville's existing financial infrastructure which offers a tax rebate and a foreign donations facility (see below).


BANK TRANSFER via SWIFT following details:

Bank Name: State Bank of India
Branch: Auroville International Branch
Branch Code: 03160
Beneficiary Account Name: AV Fund Foreign
Beneficiary Account Number: 01000060095
Details/other Information: Village Flood Relief OR Auroville Beaches Relief


Under details please specify if you want the funds to go to Village Relief or for Auroville Beaches Relief. You could also give a percentage allocation.


Please make your cheques payable to "Auroville Fund - Foreign" and send to the address below.


Cheque/DD to be made payable to "AUROVILLE FUND". On the reverse of the cheque please write if it is meant for Village Flood Relief OR Auroville Beaches Relief.

DDs payable at Pondicherry.

Please send the cheques to:

Auroville Tsunami Rehabilitation
Opposite Aurelec, Kuilapalayam
Auroville 605 101, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail tsunami@auroville.org.in
Phone: 0413 - 2622184.

Source: Rediff

Donate to Architecture for Humanity


The above link takes you to an organization to which you can donate to help offer relief to the tsunami victims. This link is great because it takes you to a site through which you can pay by Paypal. This is the easiest way I've found to donate thus far. Everyone's heard of Paypal - you can pay by credit card or have the money taken directly from you bank account. Makes it so simple to help out.

Think of the good even one dollar would do. One dollar times thousands of people...

posted by realfaux

GM Employees Donate - GM Will Match Your Donation Says CEO Rick Wagoner

FOR RELEASE: 2004-12-30

General Motors Pledges Aid to Tsunami Disaster Victims

DETROIT -- General Motors today announced that the GM Foundation will donate $1 million in cash to the International Response Fund of the American Red Cross to support relief efforts on behalf of victims of the tidal wave disaster.

GM, through its foundation, also will match up to $1 million in contributions made by GM employees to the International Response Fund of the American Red Cross, UNICEF and CARE. GM employees can make direct contributions to these organizations by using the company’s Global Aid Disaster Relief website.

"All of us are stunned by the magnitude of this unprecedented natural disaster, and we mourn the loss of life and the devastation it has brought to so many people," said GM Chairman and CEO Rick Wagoner. "General Motors wants to assist in the global relief efforts to provide food, water, medicine and other resources to the disaster victims as quickly as possible."

Wagoner encouraged GM employees to make online contributions to the International Response Fund of the American Red Cross, UNICEF and CARE. "General Motors and its employees have a long tradition of responding to emergencies in communities where we work and live, and also in other areas throughout the world. I know our employees will rise to the challenge again," Wagoner said.

More information on the GM Foundation can be found on the General Motors corporate website at www.gmability.com.

Anthony Neely

Sister act: Eight-yr-old saves siblings

Sanjay Pinto
Friday, December 31, 2004 (Cuddalore):

An eight-year-old girl in Cuddalore's devastated Singarathope village saved her younger brother and sister when the killer tsunami struck their home.

"I was playing when water gushed in. I just grabbed my siblings, carried my little brother, pulled my sister and kept running," Arul Mozhi recounts.

The family has lost their home, but the three children and their parents are happy to be alive and reunited.

Their mother still cannot get over the little rescue operation.

"I didn't know where they were. I had no idea they were all sitting in a corner together," said Anbarassi, Arul Mozhi's mother.

Meanwhile, the little boy now has a New Year resolution, to stop fighting with his sister.

"I won't fight with my sister. She pulled me to safety," Nivekumar said.

It will certainly take a long time for the children to pick up their books or their parents to get back to work. But in Singarathope, the little champion is the talk of the town.

Source : NDTV

Malaysia Helplines & News Updates

Malaysia Central has an extensive list of various Malaysia related Tsunami Information. Excerpts:

Malaysia - Operation Rooms / Rescue Coordination:

Penang Island: Tel: 04 262 1819, 04 265 6308
North Seberang Prai: Tel: 04 323 9122
Kuala Muda, Kedah: Tel: 04 421 1963
Langkawi, Kedah: Tel: 04 966 6963


Brief Update from Cuddalore (India) and Relief Plans

From AID India

AID India, Tamil Nadu Science Forum (TNSF) and Pondicherry Science Forum (PSF) in association with other organisations have set up a overall coordination mechanism and a distribution andoutreach mechanism to reach out to the entire area of the affected. Todo this the Chennai office is taking care of the relief work in Chennai town and the Malar/TNSF office of Kanyakumari is taking care of the work in Kanyakumari district. The rest of the area esp the Pondicherry- Cuddlaore Nagapattinam belt which is the main affected part is being coordinated from the PSF office.

We welcome contributions - but please time is important and we need to rush it in. Both cash(to go towards house- rebuilding the number one necessity) and more important clothes and blankets. No torn clothes please

Brief Update on Relief Operations and Plans by Archana Prasad and Dinesh Abrol:

Dear Friends Since the last two days both of us have been with the Pondicherry Science Forum and friends from the TNSF: Yesterday we had gone to Cuddalore with the PSF team and are also coordinating with other massorganisations who have joined the relief process. The MALAR/PSF/TNSF is a nodal coordinating agency of all the relief materials which are being sent to Pondicherry and the PSF office is acting as the coordinating office ....

Help Rebuild Sri Lankan Libraries Hit By Tsunami

Thanks to our reader Arnab Chakladar who sent us this by email:

There is an appeal from the National Library and Documentation Services Board, Sri Lanka for books in libraries destroyed by the tsunami:

More Info Here: http://www.natlib.lk/web-1.htm





All post from 12-27-2004 to 12-31-2004 regarding emergency numbers and information for SRI LANKA only:

12-31 Help Rebuild Sri Lankan Libraries Hit By Tsunami

12-31 Donation request for local agencies in Burma and Sri Lanka

12-31 Sri Lanka: Mullaitivu Status Report


General Aid Information posts from 12-27-2004 to 12-31-2004:


12-31 Lonely Planet

12-31 American Red Cross donation collection website.

12-31 Malaysia Helplines & News Updates

12-31 US State Department Info for US Victims

12-31 Finding Information in the Blog

12-31 Providing safe drinking water - Info for organisations in the field

12-31 Collection sites in Singapore

12-31 Donate Airline Mileage

12-31 English Premier League club Everton set up appeal fund

12-31 Want to become a volunteer to this blog?

12-31 UK - Sunrise Radio - Donations

12-30 Corporate Donors - is your employer one of them?

12-30 How to help from the US - buy Shaklee Cares Relief Packs

12-30 CNN- Email appeals

12-30 People in UK! - Clothes Needed For Tsunami Relief

12-30 Swedish Information Blog

12-30 AlertNet offers AIDfund to NGOs at Asia quake scene

12-30 Contacts and info- Missing Swedes

12-30 Emirates offers assistance to stranded passengers

12-30 Malaysia Sets Up Asian Disaster Fund For Tsunami Victims

12-30 CRY online donation page up

12-30 Red Cross sets up Web site for tsunami victim contact

12-30 Send Email Appeal to CNN - Helpful in locating Missing Persons

12-30 Update on assistance to HK people affected by tsunamis

12-30 In UK? - Help Through Disasters Emergency Committee of Great Britain

12-30 Helplines from Portuguese Foreign Ministry

12-30 Strategies for maximizing your donations.

12-30 Finding Information in the Blog

12-30 Portuguese Helpline Numbers for missing persons

12-30 Tsunami Disaster Forum

12-30 Forensic experts in race against time, call for help

12-30 Americans in Asia - Call home NOW!

12-30 Lonely Planet's Bulletin Board

12-30 Info for Italian familiesl

12-30 Donate from Portugal

12-30 How you can help tsunami victims

12-30 AFH Details

12-30 UAE Details

12-30 Missing Norwegians

12-30 Hotline numbers for missing people

12-30 Helpline for missing persons from South Africa

12-30 Help Relief Effort From Trinidad and Tobago

12-30 For Our Spanish Readers

12-29 Want to Help? Looking for Help?

12-29 CNN's Missing People Database

12-29 Agencies Collecting Aid in France

12-29 Flickr Group Page Created for Missing Persons

12-29 Post Tsunami Reconnect Disaster Relief

12-29 BBC News Message Boards for Missing Persons

12-29 Free SMS service Chatbar to and from affected countries

12-29 Tsunami Victims . org

12-29 Red Cross and Red Crescent

12-29 List of Relief Funds

12-29 Emirates helpline numbers

12-29 Helpline Number in France

12-29 Contribute in Malaysia

12-29 USAID's Guide to Effective Giving

12-29 Relief Organizations Working in the Disaster Area

12-29 Donate from Germany

12-29 Assistance in Transporting Goods Out of the U.S.

12-29 Appeal from Art of the Living Foundation

12-29 How to Help if You're in Singapore

12-29 Donate from the United States

12-29 Donate from Ireland

12-29 Doante from Spain

12-29 Finding Information in the blog

12-29 Links to Charities

12-29 Contact List

12-29 Satellite Pictures of Tsunami 2004

12-29 Indonesia Aid Information

12-29 International aid organizations

12-29 Country Wide Helplines

12-29 Webpage listing various donations

12-29 Aid from Dubai

12-29 Information on Filipinos caught in tsunami

12-29 List of Agencies from Canada Collecting Aid

12-29 Canada Helpline Numbers

12-29 Posters from AID India

12-29 Seeking info? Ask the bloggers

12-29 Thomas Cook helpline

12-28 Additional Contact Numbers(Hotlines)

12-28 WorldChanging Angle

12-28 Those seeking information about American Citizens

12-28 High Commissions in the affected Countries

12-28 More ways to contribute from the USA

12-28 Apollo Hospitals Joins Relief Efforts


12-28 How to Send Help from USA

12-28 Contacts for Singapore Red Cross

12-28 Pre-frabricated toilets for use in Affected areas

12-28 WorldChanging-AFH Relief Fund

12-28 American Red Cross Relief Effort

12-28 UNICEF Offices and Contact Numbers

12-28 We Need Volunteers

12-28 More Listings of Agencies Carrying Aid

12-28 US Located Relief Effort

12-27 Mercy Corps

12-27 ReliefWeb

12-27 Michigan Indian Community Website Collecting Funds

12-27 Médecins Sans Frontières efforts

12-27 NRI Blogger Initiative

12-27 Reuters AlertNet

12-27 Aid Appeal for Tidal Wave Disaster

12-27 AmeriCares Is Accepting Donations

12-27 CARE Australia Launches Southern Asia Earthquake Appeal

12-27 SEEDS Appeal

12-27 Oxfam is Accepting Donations

12-27 Thomas Cook Helpline

12-27 Save The Childen Press Release

12-17 A Little Can Go A Long Way


All posts from 12-27-2004 to 12-31-2004 regarding emergency numbers and information for INDIA only:

12-31 Brief Update from Cuddalore (India) and Relief Plans

12-31 ICICI waives fees for Tsunami donations Demand Drafts

12-31 Bangaloreans Help Needed - Medicines and Other Relief Materials

12-31 DONATE from Punjab

12-31 HELP from HARYANA

12-31 HELP from SHIMLA

12-31 Donate from Jammu & Kashmir(ALL DISTRICTS)

12-31 Donate from Chandigarh

12-31 Tamil Nadu (India) Govt. Directive on Relief Material

12-30 Pune (India) update and further aid request

12-30 News Update

12-30 Tenth Situation Report - GoI

12-30 Are You In Chennai and Want To Volunteer - Hurry!!

12-30 Organisations can send Money to the following:

12-30 Updated List of collection centres set up by Akanksha in Mumbai City and Suburbs

12-30 Clothes Bank Information

12-30 Want to Volunteer?

12-30 High Wave Alert

12-30 High Wave Alert in Southern States

12-30 New Tsunami Alert in Tamilnadu, Kerala

12-30 Young NCC Cadets Help Kerela Tsunami Victims

12-30 Bangalore: Donate old clothes at Food World

12-30 Hungama gets into the act

12-30 Relief Transport for Andaman, India

12-30 Isha Foundation needs aid for Nagapattinam & Cuddalore in India

12-30 CRY Tsunami Fund

12-29 Update from Aid-india team in Nagapattinam & Cuddalore (India) at 8.40pm IST

12-30 PUNE, India update: Doctors & Volunteers for Tsunami Relief

12-29 Latest Situation Report from Govt of India

12-29 Finally

12-29 The Hindu ( a terriffic newspaper, not the religion) Fund


12-29 Tsunami Relief Update - Suyam

12-29 Volunteer

12-29 A list of relief funds

12-29 Notes from the Field - Kanyakumari

12-29 Drop locations for Aid in Mumbai City - Courtesy Akanksha

12-29 Tsunami hits India, Inc. with Rs 3,000 cr loss

12-29 Drop box at ITPL, Bangalore

12-29 Bridge Foundation Collecting Goods in Bangalore

12-29 Children and orphans in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh

12-29 How to help from Kolkata

12-29 Coordinating volunteers in Chennai.

12-29 is there a list of people going to chennai from Mumbai

12-29 Cash Donations in Mumbai

12-29 Udavum Karangal adopts a village near Cuddalore

12-29 Helpline Numbers in Cuddalore, India

12-29 Local Aid in Chennai, India

12-29 Andaman, India Aid

12-28 Field Report for Andaman, India

12-28 Updates from Andhra Pradesh

12-28 Orissa Helplines

12-28 Prime Minister's Relief Fund in India

12-28 Latest Site Report from Govt of India

12-28 Contact numbers for rescue work

12-28 Asha For Education Tsunami Relief

12-28 IA plans 15 relief flights

12-28 High Commissions in the affected Countries

12-28 Indians and Sri Lankans in New Jersey

12-28 Info about Indians overseas- Indian missions abroad

12-28 Sewa International accepting donations in Chennai

12-28 Special Cell Numbers for those stranded in Andaman and Nicobar

12-28 Appeal From GOONJ

12-28 Potable Drinking Water in Tamil Nadu-UNICEF

12-28 More Contact Details

12-28 times of india relief fund

12-28 Bangalore Red Cross contact

12-28 AID-India update from Tamil Nadu

12-28 direct relief supplies india

12-28 more control room helpline numbers

12-28 aid indias efforts

12-28 India Express Citizens Relief Fund

12-28 "The Hindu Relief Fund" from Hindu group of publications

12-28 Listing of important numbers for Indian citizens both in affected parts of India and abroad

12-28 Indian Red Cross Information

12-28 Tamil Nadu Chief Minister's Public Relief Fund

12-27 Indian Red Cross Society

12-27 Contact Person 1

12-27 PM's Relief Fund